12- Stage Fright

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One week. A whole week after the attack that happened downtown. I don't know how to live with myself since then. All those bodies, I can't get those images out of my head. Whenever I go shopping there, I still see whatever's left of the buildings covered in yellow tape. You don't expect someone to wake up everyday thinking 'am I going to die today?' But with everything happening right now. Anything could happen.

Adalyn thought to herself while she was laying in bed, she was merely staring at the ceiling, wondering what could happen next? There was no doubt in her mind that Luttons was at least connected with the whole attack. But she didn't know why Luttons would do such a thing. She was getting deeper into her thoughts, until she looked over at her dresser and glanced at it, and a few seconds later, she opened it, and saw two tickets to the show Sophia was in.

Adalyn was walking down the school hallway with Emma. People would always give her glances and would whisper something to they're fellow peers, and it made Adalyn uncomfortable and she felt unwelcome in school. Thankfully the bell rang in time. And She walked Into first period with Emma, and Emma was holding Adalyns bandaged hand that was burned, it was just her palm, but with Emma having the bandage around her wrist, she still comfortable to know she wasn't the only one with a scar.

She sat down and had noticed that Olivia wasn't there with them, she figured it was nothing and that she was just sick, but her gut was telling her that something was definitely wrong, there were only four of them at the table, her, Emma, Liam, and William. She glanced at William and asked

"Where's Olivia?" She said in a tone that suggested she didn't trust him
"No idea." He said bluntly, Emma and Adalyn looked at each other suspiciously. But Adalyn noticed that Liam was awfully quiet, it almost seemed as if he wasn't at the table at all, Adalyn had noticed this pattern over the past week, and something was definitely up with him.

Sophia and Adalyn had been trying to avoid each other after the whole bombing incident, as they were constant reminders of what had happened. They moved in 3rd period and they would occasionally glance at each other, but with James being gone, she had no one to talk to. There was a large window next to where she sat and she was drifting off into sleep, she briefly looked out the window. And she could swear she saw someone standing there staring at her, she looked back quickly after turning away. But no body was there. She stared at the window in confusion, and she had wondered what she just saw.

James was sitting in his prison cell accompanied by a security guard, the guard stood outside his sell and James sat there staring at him. He had been waiting for his trial for a week now. Although he knew he didn't do anything, the police and jury probably disagree.
"You know I didn't do anything right?" James said in a tone, trying to convince the guard. The guard simply ignored him, and James held his head down on defeat. He was about to start sobbing, but the air vent above him started rattling.

Sura was woken up by Ioa, Ioa sounded slightly panicked and when he finally woke up, she said that things had been moved around and misplaced. Sura immediately shot awake and asked
"Is the baby okay?"

"Yeah. The baby's fine." Ioa said reassuring Sura. But this would be much important later on.

Emma heard a knock at the door as she was getting ready. She yelled out "coming!" And ran out of her room and was about to get out of the house until her dad asked her
"Where are you going?"

"To see a play at my school." Emma said as if she didn't care for what her dad had to say.

"Your really gonna go see all that theatre bullshit?" He said bluntly, Emma wasn't going to deal with him and she just walked out of the house and went into Adalyns car.

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