10- Fair Enough

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Adalyn opened the front door and walked into her house, she was immediately greeted by her parents who hugged her and Chloe exclaimed

"I heard they caught the killer!" In a happy tone. Adalyn looked at her and told her in a unsure and aware tone "Oh! Uh... yeah..."

She then broke free from the hug and walked upstairs to her room to think to her self.

Liam was looking at the usb that was sitting on his desk right in front of him. He looked traumatized, for though one of his closest friends had been locked up for the supposed murder of multiple people... but he could have right? There was no way... but what he saw on the files of usb, showed that he may have had a much more darker and sinister side to him. But he knew he just couldn't throw away the usb, it had the footage of the 2 recently missing people, being abducted on camera. He decided that he would instead delete the files of him and his friends and show the police the videos of the murders and people being abducted.

He plugged in the usb and those horrific files showed up again, he pressed on the three dots on the corner of his file, and he tried to press delete. But it wasn't working, he spammed his mouse, trying to delete the file. But it came to no use, he exhaled in frustration and threw his mouse across the room, he put his hands over his face, but he felt his phone vibrate and he reached into his pocket and pulled it out. It was an unknown number.

He looked at the phone, hesitating wether or not he should answer it. He took a deep breathe in and although scared, he pressed answer.

"Did you think it was going to be that easy?" Luttons said in a playful tone, giggling. Liam closed his eyes and let out a sob and said
"How do you know?" Trembling with fear. Luttons giggled and replied menacingly
"That's a secret I'll never tell, I'll have to kill ya if you find out." Luttons stopped for a second and let out another giggle saying
"Not that your death is inevitable, we're on to you Liam. I'm after you, watch your back." And the line went dead.

Emma and Adalyn waited patiently in line for the fair, it was they're turn to enter and they payed 20$ for their fair wristbands.

The park was filled with screams, as people were riding roller coasters and having a great time, there were many people chattering as to be expected and there were many concession stands that had hotdogs, ice cream, slushees. Basically anything.

"Woah! This place is so coo-"

Adalyn was interrupted as Emma pointed to a rather large roller coaster and Emma gave Adalyn a evil grin.

Adalyn chuckled nervously and tried to make an excuse not to go on as she was not a very big fan of coasters.

"Um- why such a big ride? Why don't we go on a smaller one first?" She choked out nervously, Emma merely chuckled and replied teasingly

"What? Is little Adalyn scared?" And she proceeded to tickle her and Adalyn replied laughing

"Haha no, I'll go on."

Emma smiled at her and they both got in line for the ride.

They waited for about 15 minutes and Adalyns anxiety was building up, it was their turn to go on and Adalyn nervously sat down on the ride and out the restraint on her shaking. Emma had noticed how frightened Adalyn was after she had put on her own restraints, so she decided to calm her down. She help Adalyns hand tightly and Adalyn took a deep breathe in, and the roller coaster started to move.

The ride was going up it's first drop and Adalyn was telling herself to toughen up and have fun, they approached the end of the lift and Adalyns eyes widened as she realized they started to go down the long drop.

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