8- What Was The Reason?

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I was in school and was talking to my friends,we were talking to each other about clothes or stuff that we were interested in, but I can't help but notice that Liam hadn't been speaking much and he would seem to flinch whenever Emma or Olivia spoke, what was up with him? Was he hiding something? He seemed to be paranoid and was looking around him a lot, I hope he's okay.

"Adalyn you know you don't have to babysit right?" Sura said reassuringly, but Adalyn insisted.
"No no! It's fine, I want to help you in whatever way I can! And I'll be there at around 4, I have something important to do."
"It's fine. I understand, I'll tell Kaja and Ioa to be expecting you."
Adalyn agreed and hung up the phone, and she took a deep breathe in.

It was after school and Adalyn was standing by her car, she got a phone call from Olivia and she asked

"Ready to go?"


"I told Sura i would have to show up later but he said it was fine, we should be done at around 4."

Adalyn saw Olivia approached and she got into her car and Olivia followed after her, they got into the car and drove to Long Island institution.

Sura was working in his office until he heard a knock come from his door, he got up to answer it curiously and it was his coworker Zarina.

"Oh, hey!"

"Hi. Um.... just wanted to see how you were holding up?"

"I'm doing fine, what do you need?"

"We found some hair strands at the scene of Jason's murder. We're thinking it may linked with the killer, mind coming to check it out?"

Sura looked confused and curious at the same time, he agreed and went with Zarina and the rest of the forensics team.

Adalyn and Olivia has arrived at the mental institution and looked up at her structure, it had 3 floors and only the top floor had bars on them. They assumed that's where the most insane of patients were held and assumed that Annie would be up there with them, they walked into the ward and approached the clerk that was at the front desk.

Adalyn cleared her throat and asked
"Is Annie Moore available?"
The clerk looked up and furrowed a brow and asked
"Are you a friend or immediate family memebe-"
Olivia cut her off and said
"Look, that doesn't matter ok? We have to see her now!"
The clerk sighed and got up from her chair went to see if Annie was available, she had left for a few minutes and Olivia had asked Adalyn
"What are we going to ask her?"

"You'll see."

The clerk came back and told them
"Floor 2. Room 4."
Olivia and Adalyn nodded their heads to each other, and went to the elevator and went up to floor 2.
Once they had arrived, they walked down the hallway that was eerily creepy, they didn't have to go to far since it was room 4 after all. The door was open and they slowly creeped in and saw a woman sitting at the corner of the room with her back turned. Olivia and Adalyn were both nervous and their breathing became shakey, until Adalyn spoke up.


Annie slowly looked back and she had looked miserable, she appeared to be holding a teddy bear and one of its eyes were missing, her eyes were really baggy and it looked like she hadn't eaten in days. She replied to them saying
"Who are you?"

"Let me introduce myself, my name name is Adalyn Miller and I'm 17, I found your tapes in the attic of my house and we just wanted answers."
Annie smirked and said
"What are you here to ask? About L-eyes?"
Olivia and Adalyn went to take a seat and they replied
"Well. Who was the killer?"

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