Chapter 4

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"I can't contain this anymore
I'm all yours, I've got no control
No control
And I don't care, it's obvious
I just can't get enough of you
The pedal's down, my eyes are closed
No control"


Sticking the key into the lock can be difficult if you have someone behind you who keeps tickling your neck with kisses and can't keep his hands steady.

"Stop it. " I giggle, not sounding demanding at all as I try to push his hands away from my body. He growls into my neck, lightly biting at it. I don't even know how we managed to climb the two sets of stairs that lead to my flat. His big hands never left my body since we entered the building and I found myself pressed against the walls as his lips devoured mine more than once.

Finally, I open the door and Mr Hottie pushes me inside, closing it with his foot as I leave my purse and the empty plastic cup - I still have in hand - on the floor.

As he makes a move to jump on me again, Odi appears, putting himself in front of me and barks at Harry, wagging his tail.

Odi is not the classic German Shepherd. Of course, if he noticed that someone is trying to hurt me he would attack him, but usually, if I bring some stranger home, he just wants to be known and receive attention.

My dog is a whore.

Mr Hottie looks at me with wide eyes as I knell on the ground and pat Odi's back, making him stop barking. "He just wants some cuddles. He is not bad. I should have told you that I have a dog before I let you in."

What if he is scared of dogs? Or allergic? Or worst... What if he doesn't like dogs? I can't associate myself with someone who doesn't love them.

He surprises me by crouching down, looking at Odi deep in the eyes." Hi. I'm Harry. " he says like he can comprehend him, "What's your name big... Guy?"

I nod, "Odi, it's the short for Odin. You know the god of wisdom..."

"Poetry, death and divination? Yes, I know" Mr Hottie smirks, and brings his hand out to let Odi sniff it.

"I chose the name after Thor's father thought. After I saw the first movie." I awkwardly laugh, feeling my cheeks redden.

I'm a sucker for Marvel movies, Thor and Iron Man in particular.

He pats Odi's head and the whore turns on his back, paws in the air, asking to be scratched on his tummy.

Guess Mr Hottie charmed even my dog.

"Odi" I scold him, getting up. "That's enough, go in your place", I add, pointing my finger to the big pillow on near the couch.

He looks at my fingers for a second and then runs to his place, seating down and taking his chicken shaped toy in mouth, making it squeak.

I turn my head in Harry's direction again and shift on my feet, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. "I... I need to wash my hands." I say, showing him my hands.

"Yeah... Me too." He agrees, standing straight and giving me a warm smile, "Bathroom?"

Blinking, I gather my things and put them on the kitchen counter, then, I look at him, "This way."

We walk down my hallway in silence, I can feel his presence behind me with every step we take.

Reaching the bathroom I open the door ajar, sticking my head inside to take a look. Everything seems fine, I didn't leave much of a mess behind me this morning - thankfully - therefore I step inside and completely open the door for Harry to follow me inside.

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