Chapter 11

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"Got my mind on your body
And your body on my mind
Got a taste for the cherry
I just need to take a bite
Don't tell your mother
Kiss one another
Die for each other
We're cool for the summer"



I'd like to tell you everything about the mind-blowing orgasm Mr Hottie gave me but I can't because it didn't happen.

I didn't get my fucking orgasm again.

And no, not because it was all a dream and he didn't really show up at my door with pizza and beer.

Everything was perfect, I was a panting mess, my leggings were gone along with the sweater I was wearing, leaving me just in my panties - no bunnies, lace this time - his shirt was gone leaving his upper half-naked, one of his hands was cupping my boob while the other was touching me over the fabric of the panties while he kissed my neck and trust me: I was more than ready to go.

But just when he decided to move his fingers under the fabric and between my folds, something or better, someone decided to start liking his feet, and no, it wasn't me.

It was Odi. With his big eyes and wagging tail he was looking at us from near Harry's and mine feet and decided to lick his ones because he wanted to be cuddled and needed attention.

Yeah well, I needed an orgasm.

Needless to say, he completely ruined the mood, especially after I said to Mr Hottie to just ignore him and keep going, but to make me pay for it Odi trotted near my face and gave it a long lick.

Little shit. He is grounded.

At that point, Mr Hottie start laughing in front of the grim glance I gave Odi and after leaving a kiss on my lips he stood up on the couch and handed me my clothes back.

We spent the rest of the night eating the pizza and watching TV. He was... Nice and contrary to what I thought a real cuddler. He kept reaching out for my hand, pulling me closer and touching me in some way, and even if I'll never admit out loud, it felt good to have someone by my side again.

Anyway, we ended up falling asleep on my couch and this brings us to now. My back is killing me, my body is incredibly hot and I can't really move because Mr Hottie is practically laying on top of me, his face hidden in the crook of my neck makes my body tingle when his hot breath hits my skin.

I don't really want to get up though, even if my body is aching I slept well and I feel comfortable being here with him.

Sadly, I have duties, one of them being taking Odi out for his morning walk and if I don't get up now, my whole schedule will be postponed and I'll end up being late for work, something that is happening more times than I'd like to admit these days.

I gently push Harry's body off of mine paying attention to not wake him up. He grunts and closes his arms around my body, pulling me closer and making me chuckle.

" 'S early, where're you going?" he mumbles, hiding his face.

"I have to take Odi out, go back to sleep," I whisper back, running a hand through his curls.

He mumbles something incompressible back and turns to his side, letting me stand up as he hugs a couch pillow.

I stretch my limbs and walk to the kitchen to prepare some coffee before I go to my room and change, Odi hot on my heels.

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