Chapter 25

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Settle down with me
Cover me up
Cuddle me in
Lie down with me, yeah
And hold me in your arms
And your heart's against my chest
Your lips pressed to my neck
I'm falling for your eyes
But they don't know me yet
And with a feeling I'll forget
I'm in love now
Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love


One week later

"Her skin felt like silk under my fingertips, her breathing was accelerated, coming out almost as a pant as I ghosted my fingers over the lace fabric of her panties.

I ran my nose along the line of her jaw, smiling when her hands tangled in my hair and she pulled my face towards hers, eager to be kissed again.

Her lips tasted like tobacco and peppermint, due to the cigarette and gum we shared just a few minutes ago before things got out of hand and I found myself on top of her, too overwhelmed by her presence and scent to be able yo resist her, not when she was looking at me with her big brown doe eyes, begging me to forget about the rest of the world and just be with her."

"Do you want more coffee?"

I look up from the manuscript I'm reading surprised to hear his voice. I changed my routine and started coming at the café during the afternoons before my dance lessons because I knew he wouldn't have been here, our awkward conversations on Saturdays mornings and the way too long silent moments enough for me to decided I couldn't keep coming here while he was in the shift. That's why I wasn't expecting to see his face today. When I arrived here, his mother was standing behind the counter bar with her usual warm smile and a cup of coffee ready for me, we talked a bit, and then I sat on my usual spot in a corner, ready to have some work done and lost myself in the book in my hands for God's knows how long since he had time to arrive, put on an apron and serve the few clients now sitting on different tables while his mother is nowhere to be seen.

"Ehm..." I look at my empty cup and nod, slowly, "Yes, thank you."

Alex pours the warm, brown liquid in the ceramic mug in front of me and smile awkwardly, shifting on his feet, "Y'know... We have a new cake, the Black Forest, don't know if you tried it already but it's freakin' good."

I grin at his words and shake my head. This is the first time after the park episode with Mr Hottie in which we exchange more than a few words of circumstance. He kept his distance and I get him. I chose Mr Hottie over him, and I hurt him, he had all the reasons to not talk to me and don't pretend he wanted me here, I would have acted the same way, that's why I decided to break my routine, I thought I was doing the right thing.

"I didn't try it, yet," I tell him after I cleared my throat.

"I can bring you a slice... If you want," he replies, rubbing his chin as he looks at me.

Is this is a way to tell me he is over what happened?

I'm not gonna lie, I miss Alex on some level, or better, I miss talking and sharing a cup of coffee with him, and even though I chose to purchase things with Mr Hottie, I always thought the guy in front of me was a good person and a good friend and maybe if it wasn't for Harry, I would have given him a real chance and maybe he could have grown as more than a simple friend to me.

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