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"Ooh what about this green?" Narcissa said showing me yet another a dress. I was lent against the wall. We'd been in this shop for hours.
"I like the other one." I said with a sigh. Cissy nodded and walked to the rail and brought out the only bridesmaid dress I had take any interest in. I know I should be a little more enthusiastic, but I was sad that Lily wouldnt be able to be there. As well as Remus, and James.

"I love it!" I smiled weakly.
"Me too." She held up it against her. The bridesmaids dress was a soft green. It was one shouldered and went down to the floor. "Your gonna look beautiful." I complimented, the wedding was less than a few days away. We were going back home tomorrow. And then I was getting married to Sirius Black a day later.
"I'll go put it on your tab and have it delivered with you dress." I nodded.

"I'm going to get some air." I mumbled walking out onto digaon alleys crowded streets. Honestly, I'd never been so stressed. What with wedding preparations, Voldermort's alliance and all the plans written In parseltounge that I was translating to Dumbledore. He'd started up the order of the Phoenix. James, and the other mauraders were already signed up, along with some of our other old friends. Me and Sirius had agreed to spy regardless of the consequences for us.

It had been fine then, but I may have another problem now. My hand fell to my stomach. "Annabelle." I turned to see Remus.
"Moony." I said letting a small smile drift into my face. "Are you alright? How is everyone?" He smiled.
"We're all okay. We miss you, Sirius too." I nodded looking down at the floor.
"I know we miss you too." He looked at the shop.

"Last minute preparations huh?" I nodded.
"I cant believe your getting married." James said with a weak smile. He came to a halt standing shoulder to shoulder with Remus.
"I know, it's crazy. With everything going on with...you know." James nodded. "And lily! I mean you two are just.." he forced a smile on his face.
"I know it's great, seems we both turned out happy." I nodded slowly.

Remus cleared his throat. He handed me something. I lifted the chain up. It was in the shape of the Hogwarts Crest but it had a moon in the middle. A deer where gryffindor would have been. A dog in the slytherin section. A rat in the hufflepuff, and a panther in the raven claw. My eyes glazed over.
"Your something old." Remus said softly. "I know after this, your not coming back to Hogwarts. And we'll probably never met under friendly circumstances again, so this is to remember us by Stary."

The use of my code name made a tear fall. "Thank you. Both of you. I'm gonna miss you. Even if it is just seeing you from a distance." James came forward and hugged me.
"I love you Annabelle." He muttered into my ear. He pulled back. Remus hugged me tightly. Then walked away tears falling. James went to follow him, I caught his arm.
"The wedding is being held at the back of the Black mansion. Just in front of the woods, theres no wards up in the trees, and nobody would notice a stag." He nodded and walked away.

I slipped the chain around my neck, wiping my eyes. Narissca came our the shop. "Ready?" She asked offering her arm.
"Hell yeah." I said with a smile. "So when are you and Lucius booked in?" She giggled as I lent my head against hers. She squeezed my hand.
"The summer." She looked at the necklace. "He'll be there." I nodded as I began to cry. She was a good friend, and right now one of the best I had. She held me close to her as we walked back to the castle.

"I'm going to miss Hogwarts." I said wiping my eyes. She nodded.
"I know." I paused.
"Cissy..." she turned to look at me.
"I think I'm--"


The carriage was full. So full in fact i was forced to sit on Sirius's lap. Regulas next to us, and Bella next to him. Opposite us was Narcissa, Lucius and Severous. "So where are you all staying the night before?" Severous asked.
"Well is boys, I suppose that includes you." Lucius drawled. "Are stay at the Black mansion. The girls are going to stay with Mother." Cissy gave me a small smile. Sirius squeezed my waist, kissing my neck.

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