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May 5th 1980

We sat around the table, I was huge now, and Sirius's hand rested over my stomach as if he could protect the infants from Voldermorts gaze. "There had been a prophecy, that a child born at the end of July, will take part in my undoing." I glanced at Sirius. He was staring ahead. This child will be born this year, and when it is one, I will kill them."
"Kill a child!" Mother cried. His wand shot out and she fell forward dead. I didnt move, although all eyes fell on me.

Everyone waited. "What? Dont speak out of turn." I said shrugging it off. Bellatrix laughed coldly sending me a wink which a returned with a cool smile. Narcissa who was also huge looked pale. "If that's all My lord?" He nodde curtly. I took her hand and dragged her away. We walked to the nearest bathroom where she threw up. And I cried.


"Who do you think the child is?" I shrugged.
"James's kid is due end of July." I gulped.

June 5th 1980

I gripped Narcissa's hand tightly. "Come on honey, one more push, you can do It!" I whispered, she screamed again and out he came. A little boy. I wrapped him up as her mother dapped her forehead with a wet towel. I handed him to her, she smiled.
"Its a boy." I said quietly. "What are you going to call him?" I asked stroaking his head.
"Draco, meaning Dragon." I smiled.

"He has a lot to live up to then. Little Draco." I kissed my nephew on the head before leaving to tell Lucius. He and Sirius jumped up as I came from the room. "She did really well, both are healthy. You have a little boy." Lucius hugged me tightly before he raced inside. I smiled, wincing slightly. Sirius looped his arm around ny waist.
"Sounded painful." He teased, I hit him lightly.
"Well noted sherlock." I muttered wincing again.

Severus turned the corner. "Anna!"
"Sev!" I hugged him around my bump.
"Not long now is it?"
"Any day." I said with a beam. He gently placed his hand on gaining a kick I'm return.
"Any names?" I nodded.
"If ones a boy we want to name it after Reg." I glanced behind me seeing Sirius had gone in to see Draco. "Cissy just gave birth." Severus's eyes widened.
"Really? Let me guess a boy!" I nodded with a laugh.
"Draco, they've named him." Severus grinned.

"That's great. Um, I actually came here to tell you i got a 'job'." I frowned at the quotation Mark's he made with his hands.
"What do you mean?"
"The lord wants me to travel for a while and study the components of certain potions, ones that have fallen to myth, and try to replicate them." I smiled.
"Sev that's great, I'm happy for you." He smiled.

"How lily?" I patted his shoulder sympathetically.
"She's okay, not long for her now." He nodded sadly. "I'm really sorry Sev." He shrugged.
"It was my own fault." I sighed as he walked away. I wanted him to be happy, but he couldn't move on, and that was something I couldnt help him with. Bellatrix came skipping round the corner.

"Bella?" I said in shock. She waved, swishing her black dress backwards and forwards. "Back from you honeymoon so soon?" I said with a frown. She rolled her eyes.
"Yeah the idiot got himself caught. We're staging a break out next week. I came to ask Lucius to help out, then heard the baby had been born." I grinned. I couldn't believe Bella had actually got married, on her own free will. Not that she'd told anyone mind, but still.

She skipped past me into the room.

June 12th

I folded some of the little clothes into the draw. I winced again. The house felt empty now Cissy had gone home. And Sirius was away on the break out of Bella's husband. I winced again. This one lasted longer. I looked down, a small puddle of water had appeared around my feet. "Crap." I muttered.
"Nigni!" I screamed at the top of my voice.

The snake slithered into the room. Help me! I hissed panic lacing my voice. I gave a sharp cry. Find my wand! I said slipping to the floor. Nigni slithered to the bed and nudged it my way.
Who are you going to summon? She asked as I gave a muffled cry.
"I dont know i dont know." I said aloud. She tilted her head, un able to understand. I dont know. I said annoyed. Another sharp pain hit me making me cry a little.

Everyone's on that stupid mission! I sobbed. Nigni thought a little.
I may be able to remove the pain.
What? I snapped looking at her fully.
Snake blood runs in your veins, if I give you some venom, it will overcome the pain, however, the side effects later on may make your speak permanently in parseltounge for hour. I gave another scream.
No i dont know what it may do to the babies.

"Okay, okay I can do this." I mumbled. Curling my fists into a ball I started to push. Nigni rested her head against my chest. Her tounge flickering out touching the bare skin. It was calming. The pain was excruciating, water falling down my back. I gave a big push and a cry started up. I gasped, sweat dripping from my forehead. Nigni peered down. A boy. I felt my self on the verge of consciousness.

Your going to have do the venom thing. I said with a scream. Nigni sunk her teeth into my arm. My body shook for a food minute before the pain faded, leaving only weak tremors. This made pushing easier, and within minutes a little girl was born. I took my wand cutting the cord. I picked up my babies holding them against my chest. I was crying softly but tears of joy.

Someones downstairs. Nigni said quietly.
Go check please, thank you. I stood up taking a towel and wiping them down. I gently stripped my ruined clothes. Standing in my underwear. The venom was fading, I could feel the weariness and aches coming back. The door slammed open to reveal Sirius.
"Oh my God." He said coming forward, he kissed me quickly turning to the babies. "Their beautiful, are you okay?" He said as I sat down in the rocking chair.

"I think so." I mumbled through a weak laugh. I rubbed my head. Sirius dressed the twins with surprising ease. He came closer handing me the little girl. "Little Regulas Arietes Black
"Arietes?" I asked eyes raised.
"Means deer in Latin. A little bit of the potters." I grinned.
"I like it." He smiled.
"What about my little princess?"

I had to think. "Dahlia Excetra Black."
"Meaning?" He asked an uncontrollable grin still on his face.
"Well Dahlia as in the flower, Excetra meaning snake as Nigni helped me through it." He nodded.

1st August

The twins were asleep, me and Sirius lay on the bed curled around each other talking quietly. An owl tapped the window. I got up shivering in the cold air. I took the letter and attached photograph. "Sirius!" I whispered. I knelt on the bed handing him the picture of the baby. "Welcome to the world Harry James Potter. Born yesterday. We wish you could he here, the twins are beautiful, with all the love in the world, the potters." Sirius grinned.

"Looks like James dont he?" I nodded my agreement.
"He has lily's eyes though." Sirius nodded.
"That he does, now come back to bed your freezing."

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