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It was getting worse. I couldnt walk down the hall without someone shouting traitor, or muggle born killer. I'd even been called a death eater. But perhaps the worst name of all, started by the Slytherins who werent taking the situation at Hogwarts seriously, was the Pure Blood Queen.
I'd wrote to Remus and he'd regrettably Informed me that was my mothers name when she was supposed to be the best death eater and strongest you know who supporter there was.
The twins and James stuck up for me as much as they could but they were three against nearly the whole school. Harry was facing the same problem. Ginny was getting worse, I barely saw her she avoided me at all costs.

There had been another three petrifications. A first year Colin had happened a while ago, and now nearly headless nick and the boy harry had 'turned the snake on'. They'd happen together and Harry had been caught trying to help them on the scene.
The anxiety is real, I knew I shouldn't let their opinions get to me. And that all the people that love me have stayed by my side, but its so hard. Way to hard. It knaws at you every second of every day, until your sitting here hidden away trying to focus on your breathing.
On top of all that, I'd been hearing voices. Well a snakes voice. Anna had freaked out too, wouldn't leave the tower. It was such a mess.

I hadnt realised I'd been crying. I wiped the tears away. It was cold down here, almost unnaturally cold. But I didnt mind that, it would keep anyone else away. Pounding footsteps came bursting up. I climbed to my feet. "Harry? Ron?" I called jumping out to intercept them.
"Hermoines been petrified." Harry stuttered. I swore, and when the started running I followed them.
My eyes fell to her straight away. Madam Pomfrey looked tired, she smiled sadly at the boys. She handed me mirror.
"She had this on her. Any ideas why, let me know." I nodded. Over the years of intense care she'd given me we'd become pretty close. I slowly walked to Harry.
"You alright?" I said squeezing his shoulder. He ran his hand down her face.
"Whats going on, that stupid elf."
"What elf?" I asked. He shook his head. I groaned, why did none of the small children I looked after tell me anything. "Hermione was carrying the mirror, any of you know why?" I asked flashing it to them. Ron reached out to take it.
"No, but its hers." He showed me the crack. "I dropped it last year." I nodded. Harry frowned.
"Alice look." I dropped my eyes to her hand where he was pointing. Paper. I gently eased the note out. It was a page from a book.
As soon as my eyes ran over the name it made sense. "A basalisk." I said the messy scribbled word pipes, explained my only unanswered question. "Harry have you been hearing 'voices' in the hallway?" He nodded. I handed him the paper.
"The Basalisk is a huge snake that can kill people by looking them in the eye." Harry frowned.
"Then why has no one died?" Ron asked.
"Colin took a picture, so looked at it through the lens. That kid...justin?" Harry nodded. "He must have seen it through Nick. Nick must have had the full blast but he cant die twice. And Hermione, she was using the mirror." Ron gaped.

"We have to tell someone." I nodded, the three of us jumped up and began running. I slammed us to a halt when i heard teachers voices.
"We'll have to close Hogwarts." Mcgonagal was saying. "Now that it's taken a student, and a first year at that."
"Well I can face the beast!" Lockhart said proudly.
"Then you shall, we hand it over to you. Severus lock down the students, they'll be sent home tomorrow." I felt harry tense beside me at the word home.
"Yes Minerva, but who was the student?"
"Ginny Weasley." The air left my lungs like someone had taken a baseball bat to my chest. Ron nearly cried out, I pulled him until my chest as he let out a choked sob.
"Its okay Ron, we'll get her back." I said speaking out lies that I knew were almost definitely false hope. Ginny had been off all year. I should have done more.

We were running again, we skidded into Lockhart office to see him packing. "Where are you going?" I snapped.
"Away, I cant fight a monster. I merely pretend I could do all these things." I took Harry's wand from his back pocket, mine being in my bag and would draw too much attention. As he finished sputtering he took his wand.
"Theres one spell I can do and that's obliver--"
"Expilarmus." I cut in. His wand flew to me. He gaped. "Shame your not good at much else." He coward from me. I took my wand out still pointing Harry's at him before handing it back.
"Now I'm going to get Ginny back."

Pure blood queenWhere stories live. Discover now