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8 months later:
"Babe look at this!" He said jumping around the kitchen. I giggled leaning over the counter taking the parchment from his hand.
"You are here by invited to the Potters wedding, the joyous union of Lily Evans and James potter." I smiled scanning the rest of the information. "That's soon!" I said with a grin.

"Prongs grew a pair." I laughed. The doorbell rang, I heard the house elf's feet hurry to the door. I turned back to the food. Missss I turned to the snake. Nigni and me had become very close, often spending hours talking a day. She never went on Voldermorts missions and was often left here, so I looked after her the best I could.
Hi! She brushed her head against my leg. Have you conceived? I shuddered.
I hope not, I know it's the Lords will but I wish not to bring a child into this war.
That is wise, but not wise to disobey him.

I said nothing. Cissy and Lucius came bustling in. I turned to hug my brother, he kissed my head sniffing the food. "Smells good." I grinned.
"I'll plate you some up." He thanked me with a wink. Cissy gripped my arm with an uncontrollable smile. "What?" I asked with a nervous laugh.
"I can sense somethings different. And me too!" She squealed. I frowned.
"What do you mean Cissy?" I asked, signalling for Sirius to take over the cooking. "Dont burn it." I called back as she dragged me away clutching her bag.

She scrambled around, still grinning. "I went to a seer." I frowned.
"I didnt think they took just anyone." I said skeptically.
"They dont! Mother wanted to see if I would have an heir. And while i was there i asked about you too." I gulped. "And you'll never guess what she said!" I didnt want to know. "She said I was!" She handed me a test. I glanced at the small lines across the stick.

"Holy..Narcissa I'm so happy for you! Does Lucius know?" She shook her head.
"I thought we could tell them together." She handed me a box. "Come on, she said you were too. And she didnt lie about me." I mumbled some excuse but she didnt listen.

Half an hour later I was sat sobbing on the bathroom, Cissy holding my hand. "I dont want to do this again." I cried.
"But the lord will excuse you this time, it was his will!" I shook my head.
"Thats not the point Cissy! This world is...not fit for a child." Her face faltered a little.
"I know, but we cant live out life in fear, Anna you will make a great mom why deprive yourself of that chance?" She asked rubbing my hand.

I said nothing. "I admire you Cissy, but I can't have that same optimism." She hugged me resting our foreheads together.
"We'll be okay, I promise. I look after you, I wont leave your side if you dont want me too." I hugged her tightly.
"Please never leave me." I said quietly tears falling down my face.
"Never." She whispered. "I'm gonna be an aunt."
"Me too."

We sat for a while before heading downstairs. I wiped my eyes, they stung. I glanced at Nigni who had caught a mouse and was ripping it apart. You knew didnt you? I hissed. She looked up.
Yesss. I slammed the empty bot down in the sink whispering a incantation and it began cleaning itself. I was are everyone in the room was staring at me. Cissy hovered nervously at Lucius's side.

"Annabelle? What's wrong?" My brother asked. I clutched the edge of the sink.
Cissy's face was full of sympathy. She crept forward putting her hand on my back.
"Honey, your the pure blood queen, you can protect it better than anyone else can." The words should have comforted me, and in a weird way they did. But the initial words sent chills down my spine.

"I have to kill him." I mumbled. "No messing around." I turned to face the boys. "Siruus you remember that pact we made on the worst night of out lives." He nodded with a frown. "We need to complete it soon." He still looked confused.
"We're pregnant." Narcissa said. Lucius froze, Sirius lent on the table for support. I was aware I was hurting Cissy's hand, it was red from where I was squeezing it. But her support was what was keeping me standing.

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