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We stayed like that until Mom walked down the stairs to get some coffee for Remus. "What's happened?" Mom said running to me. I flinched away from her. Panic bubbling up inside of me. She had to leave...
"Mom, I'm so sorry. I didnt, we didn't. Intend." I was distraught.
"Molly whats going on?" She snapped.
"We're going to be grandparents." Mom stopped, her eyes falling to me. To my surprise she didnt get angry. She didnt show anything. All I could feel was fear.
"Okay. Okay." She said quietly, pacing the kitchen. "So you have you know who putting a target on your head, and now your pregnant. Listen to me Dahlia, we're going to try and keep you safe okay? But there is a very real possibility that you'll loose this baby? Okay? I lost my first one the same way, in a way I lost you two as well. Your going to need to be extra careful. Never be alone. You must stay with George, Regulas or Remus at all times okay?"
"Okay." I replied still crying.
"How far along?" Mom asked Molly.
"Just a month, must have been the night you came home." I cursed mine and George's hurriedness.
"It'll be okay." Mom said quietly. "We cant tell anyone else at this moment okay? Not even George. The more of us that know, the more likely it is You Know Who will find out." I nodded, my hand shaking so hard I couldn't even lift them to wipe away my tears.

"But that means she'll have to go with you to collect Harry." Mom nodded.
"I'll take her with me. I'll tell Mad eye he can have Mundgus." I stood up.
"I want to tell George."
"You cant!" Mom snapped. "Its bad enough that two of us know. If he tortures us all you dont know who will give it up, even on accident. You cant say anything." She gripped my arms. I knew she was right but I wanted comfort. I pulled away from her. Rubbing my hands up and down my arms I walked away outside.

I sat in the grass, watching the clouds. I lay back, shutting my eyes. "Dad? I wish you were here. You'd understand." I said upwards. "I miss you."

Annabelle's P.O.V

I felt bad as soon as she left, but deep down I knew it was necessary. Molly say down barely moving, frozen in shock. I followed Dahlia to the door. "Dad I wish you were here, you'd understand. I miss you." I instantly felt like I'd failed. I walked back to Molly.
"What do we do?" I asked, feeling child like myself.
"Nothing for now. Let's get Harry back here safe, and then...then take it from there." She said quietly. I nodded. I felt sick to my stomach. I made coffee and walked up the stairs, by the time I reached Remus my face was an unreadable mask.
"Hey." He said sitting up a little.
"Hey." I smiled handing him the cup before cuddling up to his side. His one aching arm came around me. We didnt speak for a while. My mind whirling.
"Do you remember that time in third year, when Sirius and Lily decided it would be fun to start to start up a best hair club just to not accept James?" I giggled.
"I do. And then Sirius got drunk and started preaching on the table in the common room." Remus laughed.
"Yeah, James was so upset." I sighed.
"Do you wish we go back?"
"I used to." He said softly.
"Not anymore."
"Really? Why?" I would.
"Everytime I look at the twins, it's been hard but I wouldnt change it for the world. Non of it. They mean the world to me." So everyone's a better parent than me today.
"Hm." I muttered, staring at the wall.

Dahlia's P.O.V

I hadnt slept well since our talk in the kitchen. George was worried I could tell. Regulas cornered me in the kitchen. "Dahli? Are you alright? Are you sure you can do this mission?"
"Yeah! Why wouldnt I be?" I asked bluntly.
"Becasue your throwing up every morning!"
"Just nerves." I said pushing past him.
"Dont lie to me." He said coldly.
"Reg, please." I begged.
"Tell me what's going on?"
"I cant."
"She cant." Mom stood in the door. "Just trust us." He must have seen my watery eyes because he didnt let go.
"If you want to tell me you tell me. Dont listen to mom." He said meeting my eyes.
"Dont." Mom warned. My head was pulsing. I shut my eyes.
"When we get home." I said trying to steady my voice. Regulas let go of my hand. I turned away tears falling from my eyes. I wiped them as we headed outside. George glanced at me again.
"You alright love?"
"Tell me?"
"When we get home." He nodded. I mounted his broom holding on tight to his back. My head buried into his skin.
"Be careful!" Ginny called from the door. I blew her a kiss as we kicked off flying high into the night.

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