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He came running naked. Not that that was the problem at the minute. "Crap, Dahlia I'm so sorry." He said taking his wand to heal the worst of the wounds. "I didnt think, I just. Fred said you were in trouble. I'd already been interviewed." He said I nodded.
"Thank you." He looked at the babies.
"Did I hurt the-?"
"No. Its fine. Fred has the other one. Cassie. This is Volan and Cane." I said snapping the bones that were broken back into place. Wincing I sat up taking the baby. He suckled quickly. After they were both fed. I helped Bill move the bodies, and burn them.
"Your strong, to hold them off alone." Bill said holding Volan as we mounted brooms. There was no point in hiding here now. They knew. We were safer at the burrow with everyone. Bill had confided that it had been Fleur that had let slip their address. However the babies remained a secret. I was happy to be seeing George again.
"Thank you, I just. They live or die." I said as we flew. I had Cane strapped to my front. His eyes watched me with a sense of confusion. "Its okay baby boy. We're going home."

We landed before Fred. George ran or from the house his arms flinging around me. I clung to him, Cane pressed between us. He kissed me quickly, his mouth travelling all over my face. "I love you, I love you so much."
"I love you too." Regulas appeared, he kissed my check holding our foreheads together.
"Are you alright?" He asked looking down at the baby with a smile.
"Twin boys! We were right?" George said taking Cane out of the holder and pressing him against his chest.
"I'm fine Reg, and not quite." Bill handed Regulas Volan.
"Fred took the third and ran, I told him too. It's a little girl." George couldnt contain his smile. The babies looked so small compared to them. A swoosh of the air sounded Fred. He handed Cassie to molly and ran straight to me. Swinging me around he mumbled a string of swears.
"Never make me leave you again. Ever!" He said his words muffled as his head pressed into my neck.
"Never freddie, its me and you together always? Yeah?"
"Yeah." He whispered. He turned to James. I quickly took Volan as they kissed passionately. Molly was crying.
"What's her name?" She asked quietly.
"Cassiopia Belle Black."
"For now." George muttered.
"What you dont like it?" He shook his head.
"I meant the last name sweetheart." I smiled.
"What are you saying weasley?"
"I suppose I'm asking you to marry me. I dont have a ring or anything..."
"Not like we do anything traditional anyway." I said with a smirk. "Yes I'll marry you." He grinned kissing me quickly.
"So the boys?" Regulas asked. "Cassie is named after the constellation I'm assuming?"
"Yeah, we kept the boys the same. Cane Teddy, after George's uncle and Volan Lupus." Remus who had come out onto the grass smiled. "Do you want to hold your name sake?" I asked. He nodded. "Your first grandchildren." I said smiling. Molly squealed with delight.
"Their so beautiful. The boys are definitely Weasleys. Little Cassie is a black through and through."
"No malfoy anywhere." Regulas said with a laugh.
"Nope." I admitted, with a smile.


George was asleep, his arm draped over my waist. It felt good to have him back. The triplets lay asleep in their caskets. Molly had found Fred and George's old ones along with Ginnys. The weeks spent back at the burrow had been the happiest. Remus was great, being the parent I needed. Molly was amazing with the practical stuff. Regulas and Fred had reopened the shop, a beacon of hope in such dark times. Ginny was back at school. Me and George had been looking for a house.
He'd adjusted great to being a father. He loved them with such careful and gentle hands. It was tiring but we were doing fine.
You could already see the personalities coming through even at a month old. Cassie and Volan were trouble waiting to happen. Happiest together, and noiseist too. Cane was sweet, quite and nothing like his siblings. George said he reminds him of me when I was younger. Maybe I see it, i mostly dont want to.

'Dahlia. We're going to Hogwarts'
What with everything I'd almost forgot a war was happening.
'The last horcurxe it's at Hogwarts. We need the orders back up.'
"George wake up." He groaned.
"Whos crying?" He sat up. "Your crying."
'We'll be there.' I turned to look at our children. "Mom, and Harry they have to go to Hogwarts. This is it Georgie, this is the final battle." He gulped.
"The triplets?" I stood up. "Tonks!" She appeared at the bottom of the stairs. Remus too. I frowned but said nothing. "The battles its happening, at Hogwarts soon." I said looking back at George saying goodbye. "I have to be there, Tonks....I'm asking you to run with the kids." She gaped.
"But you could use me in a fight I'm one of the last Auras left!"
"I know. And your a great fighter, which is why I'm asking you to protect my children." She went to protest, then nodded. She ran up the stairs to me.
"I need to tell you something you cant tell Remus until after the war okay?" I nodded. "We slept together, I think I may be pregnant." She said quietly. I nodded stiffly. I said goodbye to the babies and we got ready to meet Reg and Fred at Hogwarts. I held Remus' hand tightly as we walked down the passages.
"I love you Remy."
"Love you too Alice." I smiled.

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