Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

ZHAN FROZE on his seat feeling the breath of Mr. Wang on his face. After he said those words, he pulled away and walk to the other side of his car.

Did I heard him right? I'm h-his?

He bite his lower lip but he regret doing it sooner because of the wound on it, "o-ouch," he whispered. Mr. Wang look at him again and clenched his teeth afterwards.

Zhan doesn't know where they are going. He want to ask but he just choose to close his mouth. This guy is terrifying. There's a dark aura that surrounds him, his face is serious as hell and he always clench his teeth.

He just looked outside of the window of his car, clasps his hand together and zip his mouth.

A long silent, Zhan can't help but to get startled when Mr. Wang spoke all of a sudden, "Won't you ask where I'm bringing you?" He coldly asked

Zhan looked at Mr. Wang, "w-where to?" He asked nervously

He kinda show a devil smile, "We'll play," he roughly uttered.


"W-What?" He asked clueless

"We'll play, Zhan on my room," he said making his jaw dropped.

Is he like that kind of guy earlier?

Zhan's body trembled as he remembers that chubby guy kissing his body. Chills trailed down to his spine when feels a cold breeze coming from the air-condition.

He suddenly remembered how Mr. Wang and Mr. Cheng talked earlier. Mr. Wang said that he'll pay triple just don't let anyone touch him.

Is Mr. Wang one of his customers? Will his virginity fly away tonight?

A tear escape from his eyes imagining things about what will happen later. He immediately wiped it when Mr. Wang looked at his direction.

Minutes later, they parked in front of a condominium.

"Out," Mr. Wang ordere before going out to his car.

Zhan immediately open the car's door, wrapped the suit on his body more before following Mr. Wang inside the condominium.

They entered empty elevator. As soon as the door close, Mr. Wang snake his arms around his waist and pulled him closer to his body, "Do you have the lightest idea what's happening?" He asked

Zhan froze again when Mr. Wang lowered down his face and trailed down a rough kisses on his jaw to his neck.

He can't help but to bit his lower lips when Mr. Wang bit his earlobe and licked it. He closed his eyes feeling the tingling sensation.

It feels different from earlier. That chubby guy gave him a disgust and vomiting feeling, but this one, this gave him a pleasure that he never felt before.

"Answer me," Mr. Wang hissed against his neck and bit it hard without a warning.

Zhan whimper in pain and pleasure at the same time, "y-yes," he whispered.

Mr. Wang pulled away, "Good."

That's the only thing he said before the elevator hang open.

Mr. Wang pulled him out to the elevator and entered a big penthouse with a big living room. He was pushed on the bed as soon as they entered the room.

The smell of seductive and manly perfume lingers in his nose.

He gulped hard when he saw Mr. Wang is now unbuttoning his long sleeves. He climbed on the bed with his necktie. Mr. Wang pinned him on the headboard of the bed and tied him using his necktie.

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