Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

RAGING EYES, he looked at Ji Li who's head dropped down. Fuck! How did Zhan get out without someone noticing it? He fucking ordered two hundred of his elite military to guard to the whole area just to protect Zhan and now he's gone?

"What the fuck, Ji Li?! Where's the commander in charge?! How can no one notice them leaving?! Damn it!" He hissed angrily

Mrs. Wang holds his hand, "Calm down, son. Look for him calmly okay? Stop shouting at Ji Li. It won't do a thing." She consoles him

He sighed heavily and ruffles his hair out of frustration. He faces Ji Li, "Come with me. Let's look around the area," then face Xingchen and Xueyang, "the both of you, look at the perimeter and check every cctv," then lastly the four eggs, "check the near villages around and ask for them." He ordered

Yibo faces his parents, "Mom, dad, let's talk again some other time. I'll just go and look for Zhan." He uttered

His mom smiled at him, "Take care, okay?" He nodded then his father tap his shoulder as a sign of good bye.

"You—" pointed Evan, "and you—" pointing Issah, "what's your plan?" He asked crossing his arms on his chest.

Issah shrugged, "We'll be your snipers." He muttered

Yibo nodded, "Okay. My snipers' guns are inside my room. Press the red button beside the charging station thrice and a secret passage will open." He said

They both nodded. He walked into the kitchen and clap twice which causes to open a cabinet with full of handguns and daggers. He saw his leather jacket and immediately wore it before putting ten daggers inside. He pulled two handguns with ten rounds.

"Let's go," he said to Ji Li then picked up his car keys and wallet, "Mom, can you please lock my penthouse for me?" He asked

His mom nodded, "I will. Please, son, take care. Bring Zhan back okay?"

Yibo smiled at his mother before nodding his head.

He quickly drove his Tesla while Ji Li's sitting on the passenger seat. "Have you called the commander in charge? What did he say?" He asked

Ji Li shrugged, "I did. He said that 100 elite military guards from 1 am to 12 nn then another 100 elite military guards from 1 pm to 12 mn. In one month, Zhan just goes out when he's going to the grocery and someone in secret follows him while Zhuocheng and Yanli just go out for school but never go out after their graduation. Their mom always stays at the back of their house reading books until she never goes out again." He reported

The fuck? How did they get out? Did someone kidnap them? If he just knows that Haikuan or Taesung is behind why Zhan and his family's missing, he won't be considerate anymore. He's nearly reaching his limit.

They're fucking testing me.

As soon as they reached Zhan's house, he roamed the whole area. He enters every room and the last room he entered is Zhan's room. There's nothing left there only the bed, cabinets, and a small sofa. He opens Zhan's wardrobe but it's empty.

He sighed. Yibo walked closer to Zhan's old bed and dropped his body. He missed him. He pulled the pillow and hugged it tightly. It smells just like Zhan.

A tear escaped his eyes remembering their memories.

I miss him. I miss him so much.

He stared at the ceiling and just let his tears come out from his eyes. He clutches his chest when he suddenly felt Zhan's hugs and kisses. Fuck!

Is this my karma?

He abruptly stood up. He quickly wiped his tears, about to walk out from Zhan's room when his eyes caught a cheque and letter above the study table.

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