Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

YIBO GLARED at Ji Li who just got back from South Korea. It's new for him to see Ji Li travel. What Ji Li hated the most is to travel. He hates planes. He hates the long flight. It bored him.

He looked at Ji Li who's now sitting on the couch holding his cellphone and smiling like an idiot. What the fuck? Does he have a girlfriend? Or a boyfriend? If it's a boyfriend, the only thing he knows is Zhuocheng but he's not here anymore.

He shut his eyes closed removing the thoughts that Ji Li is involved about Zhan and his family being missing for a year.

He's Wang Yibo for Pete's sake! He can easily find someone who's missing but it's been a year and he still hasn't found Zhan. Someone is blocking him. Someone's stabbing his back.

And I'm wishing that my friends are not involved with this shit.

Ji Li abruptly stood up, "Hey, I'll go visit Korea again tonight." He said

Yibo's eyebrows creased and looked at Ji Li with a questioning look but he just sighed, "Okay." That's the only thing he said.

He immediately picked up his phone as soon as Ji Li walked out of his office. He called Wenhan and Seungyeon one of the best stalkers he ever knew.

After an hour, Wenhan and Seungyeon are now in front of him. "Yes, boss?" Wenhan asked

He cleared his throat, "Follow Ji Li. He's going back to Korea tonight tell me every suspicious act he would do." He ordered

Seungyeon gave him a deadpan look, "Why us? Xueyang and Xingchen are the masters of doing this kind of thing." He uttered

Actually, he already considered calling that two idiots but his devil side is telling him that maybe they're teamed up with Ji Li since they've known each other for so long.

Yibo sighed heavily, "Just please do this for me. For my sake. I need this to regain my sanity back or else I'll go crazy. I can feel it. Ji Li's the answer to all my hardship for the whole year." He whispered

Seungyeon sighed, "Fine. We'll do our best for you." He said

Yibo gave them a fade smile, "Thank you."

They immediately left after their conversation.

Just for an hour, he found himself going home to his penthouse. He laid his body on his bed and position himself like a fetus in a womb. He tightly hugs his pillow and starts imaging that is Zhan.

Fuck, I miss him so much.

With that position, he found himself sleeping soundly. He doesn't know how long he's been sleeping until he heard his phone rang.

Half closed eyes, he sat down on his bed and reaches for his phone. He saw Wenhan calling.

"Hmm?" He sleepy asked

"We're here already."

He yawned, "Then? Any news?" He asked

Wenhan sighed, "We saw him together with Zhuocheng." He uttered making him stilled like ice that causes his phone to drop out to his hand.

Suddenly, he felt a lone tear escape his eyes until it flows like a river. With shaking hands, he picked up his phone again. "Z-Zhan. Have you seen him? H-Have you saw my Zhan?" He asked crying

A long silence eats them until he heard Seungyeon spoke, "Yes. We've seen him. He's with someone."

He froze again on his spot, "W-What do you mean?"

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