Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

HE CAN'T help but to groaned silently while looking at Zhan who's now peacefully sleeping on his bed. Just by looking at Zhan, he can fucking feel a hard boner.

I fucking need cold shower again!

Yibo didn't know why he stop earlier. He didn't know what got into him, why he let everything slide. Come to think of it, that's Zhan's work. He need to be satisfied by Zhan but when he fucking saw Zhan's tears flowing down to his eyes, he just decide to stop what he is about to do.

He must be out of his mind. Seeing Zhan's tears, he can't explain what he feel. Pity? Does he pity Zhan's situation?

Damn it! Pity doesn't included in my vocabulary! I'm fucking Wang Yibo! Known from being ruthless in any aspect in this world!

When Yibo saw those tears, he just want to wiped it using his thumb and hug him just to make him feel better.

What the fuck! Yes, I must be out of my mind!

Yibo frustratedly ruffles his hair and groaned again before getting up and took a cold shower again.

After getting cold shower he stormed out from his bathroom with only towel wrapped on his waist. His eyebrows furrowed when he saw Zhan sitting on the bed, now looking away.

"Why are you already awake? It's just 2 am in the morning," he said.

Zhan scratches his nape, "I-I want water," he whispered.

Yibo tsked while getting closer to the mini refrigerator on his room. He picked up the glass and poured water on it and give it to Zhan.

"Now sleep," he ordered after Zhan finished drinking his water.

He saw Zhan bit his lower, "W-Where are you going to sleep?" He asked

Yibo walked towards to Zhan while Zhan leaned backwards to the bed, "Why? You want me in your side?" He asked roughly cupping Zhan's chin.

He gulped hard, "n-no. I'm just asking," he whispered. Feeling Zhan's breath against his face, he automatically pulled away feeling that any moment from now, he'll get a fucking boner again.

"You sleep here. I'll sleep on the guest room," he said before entering his walk-in closet.

Yibo can't help but to cursed his self because of what he is feeling towards to Zhan.

What the fuck is happening to me? Why am I so affected with his presence? Fuck! It's too early for that! We just fucking met last night for God's sake! Collect your goddamn self, Wang Yibo!

Out of frustration, he punched the nearest mirror that cause a loud cracked and making his knuckle to bleed.

Minutes later, he heard Zhan's voice, "M-Mr. Wang? I-Is everything okay?" He asked

His eyebrows creased. Mr. Wang? What the fuck? All this time he addresses him Mr. Wang?

Yibo face palmed realizing that he didn't introduce his self to Zhan earlier.

He picked up a towel and wrap it to his bleeding knuckle before wearing a black t-shirt and boxer shorts. He opened the door and saw Zhan wrapped his body by his thick blanket.

"I'm fine. Sleep." He roughly uttered

His gaze dropped down to his knuckle, "I-It's bleeding. Where's your first aid kit?" He asked

Yibo sighed in irritation, "I said I'm fine. I won't die because of this." He can't help but to hissed loudly that cause shock to Zhan.

Fuck it!

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