Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"ZHAN, OH MY GOD!" He heard Yanli shouted and rushed towards him handing his inhaler for his asthma. Because of short breathing, and of course him crying, his asthma attacked him. He saw Yibo looking at him with so much concern but he set it aside knowing that he's married to someone.

"Are you okay?" Yanli asked

Zhan slowly nodded. His breathing's are now back to normal but his tears still keeps on flowing.

His sister faced Yibo, "Yah, if you're here just to hurt Zhan more, better go the fuck away." Yanli hissed angrily to Yibo

Yibo dropped down his head looking so guilty, "Sorry." He whispered

Zhan sighed, "I'm fine, Yanli. We'll talk later. For now, let us talk first, please." He pleaded

Yanli rolled her eyes to Yibo before nodding his head on him.

With his weak knees, he crawl up to the single sofa while Yibo sat near him. He massage his temple, breathing heavily controlling it and wiped his stupid tears.

He's married? How come? Why did he approached him? Why look for a fuck body if he's married? Why? Why does he needs to suffer like this?

All he wanted is to love and to feel love. Why is he hurting so much? Is it too much to ask for happiness? Is it too much to ask for someone who'll genuinely love him, only him for the rest of his life?

He looked at Yibo, "H-How did that happened? Can y-you please elaborate it?" He asked

He needs to know. He has the rights to know.

Yibo breathes in and out then bit his lower lip. He hang his head down again before speaking, "H-Highschool. We're highschool that time. If I'm not mistaken, that's my 3rd year in highschool when he transferred to our school. He become my classmate and seatmate at the same time. We've become friends then best friend until we become l-lovers.

"In just 5 months, we become couple. Our relationship is secret because he doesn't want anyone to know it so it favors me also since I don't plan to let everyone to know it. I want to keep our relationship private as possible. We're happy. Damn happy. 1st anniversary, I plan to p-propose to him cause why not right? I love him. He love me. We love each other. He said yes, at the age of 18 we got married. A secret wedding."

18? At the age of 18? Yibo's 27 right now. (ps. i don't use their real age so whatever so Zhan's age is 26 technically Yibo's older but only here in my story) They're married for almost 9 years. That's insane.

Yibo chuckled dryly, "Two years of our marriage, it's good. You can look at us as a perfect loving married couple. We never fight, if we do we make sure to fix it before sleeping. Until one day," he whispered.

A tear escape his eyes, "I c-caught him bringing guys in our own h-house. That broke me. Bringing different guys, having s-sex with our own bed. Groaning and moaning with someone else name. I saw it with my own two eyes. I can't believe he would do that to me. He loves me right? We got married because we love each other."

Zhan gasped in shock when he heard Yibo's confession. Is he serious? Fuck! That's awful and hurtful to his side! Oh my, God. He can't help but to shed tears looking at hurt Yibo.

"W-What did you do after that?" He can't help but to ask

Yibo looked at his eyes with tears, "I confronted him. He said he's sorry and he will never do it again, of course I love him so much more than myself, I fucking f-forgive him.

But he still repeat it. Just after two or three months, he did it again. He even saw me watching him having sex with someone else but he just s-smiled at me like I'm just watching a fucking porn. A fucking live porn."

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