Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

YIBO WOKE up not feeling Zhan beside him. He opened his one eye to check Zhan beside him but he's not there anymore.

Hmm, maybe he's cooking already. He thought.

With that thought, he stood up, check the time and it's just only four in the morning! Where did Zhan go this early? They slept like already nearing 3 in the morning yet he woke up early again?

He entered the bathroom and took a quick shower. After taking a quick bath, he just wore a simple black oversized t-shirt for the top, a ripped jeans for the bottom and vans anaheim pirate for his foot. It's not appropriate outfit since their on a fucking beach but who fucking cares, that's how he dressed up.

Yibo walked down from the second floor and check every corner of the penthouse to look for Zhan but he's nowhere to be found!

His heart skip a beat. Fuck!

He run upstairs again and picked up his phone. He called Zhan's phone but to his surprise, he heard Zhan's phone ringing above the center table!

"Fuck! Where are you Zhan?!" He shouted frustratedly

Out of frustration, he slammed Zhan's phone on the wall.

Damn it!

He dialed Ji Li's number. It just ring two times then Ji Li picked it up.

"What?" Ji Li grunted sounded that he just woke up.

He cursed, "Ji Li, fuck! Zhan's missing!",


He ruffles his hair, "Fucking check the HQ of that stupid motherfucker Haikuan if Zhan is there and please, tell Xueyang to send my plane here immediately." He ordered almost pleading.

"Okay, boss."

Hours of waiting, his plane landed with Xueyang as the fucking pilot.

"The hell, where's my pilot?" He hissed carrying all his things and Zhan things inside.

Xueyang shrugged nonchalantly, "well thinking that maybe you're in a rush, I drove your plane here fast as I could."

Yibo face palmed. He forgot that Xueyang has a pilot license well just because of boredom and it was dared by Xingchen that's why. He really has the weirdest group of friend. Just out of boredom, he gets a fucking pilot license.

He just sat on his plane anxious. Thinking how is Zhan and if he's alright. Fuck!

I'm going crazy! I'll definitely kill Haikuan if something bad happen to Zhan!

He closed his eyes and massage his temple. With Xueyang as the pilot, they landed back in Beijing earlier than he thought. If plane is a car, Xueyang can passed a race car also damn it.

"Carry all my things!" He shouted to Xueyang before going off his plane and run fast to his Tesla parked on the carpark and drove it fast as he could.

His phone rang, Ji Li is calling him.


"Stop shouting, idiot. Old HQ of Risk King. Your elite military is already there. I can't leave Zhuocheng's side because Haikuan is a pain in the ass. Xingchen is still guarding Yanli while the four eggs are guarding Zhan's mom. Bring Xueyang with you." He said

He cursed under his breath, "Tell Xueyang to follow me after he dropped off all my things and Zhan's." That's all he said before ending the call.

He parked in front of the HQ then he pulled ten of his dagger and hide it all to his leather jacket. Yibo also bring his katana and his SIG Sauer and his Remington Outdoor with 10 rounds each. Enough to kill 15 people.

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