Chapter 3

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"I wonder what the hell he could want from me." said as I flopped on my bed.

I was complaining to Sienna about my upcoming "date" with Noah Petrov. I was nervous for the first time in my entire life I was nervous and I didn't know exactly why.

"Maybe he just likes you," Sienna said as she turned to look at me.

I made a face at her and she started to laugh. "I'm serious Alexis, just look at're hot!"

I rolled my eyes "Well I don't have any interest in him."

"If you didn't you wouldn't be nervous right now." She placed her hands on her hips and gave me a knowing look.

"I have no time for feelings Sienna, and I definitely won't be catching feelings for someone from a rival Mafia."

"But they called a truce."

"I don't trust it," I said as I walked over to my closet and started to look for something to wear.

"Alexis can you just relax for once and enjoy your night? It's not like he's going to set you up."

"That reminds me where's my handgun," I said as I began to dig inside my dresser.

Sienna rolled her eyes before grabbing my arm and turning me so that I was looking at her. "Let your guard down for once, please."

I looked at her pleading eyes before pulling my hand away "No promises."

She let out a defeated sigh and sat on the bed "I don't understand, Armando turned out perfectly fine giving the lifestyle you guys grew up in but you-"

"I want this lifestyle, Sienna. And with this lifestyle, I always have to be prepared for the worse. Just look at my parents, for example, they let their guard down once and my father nearly died." I said cutting her off.

She looked at me with pity before sighing and exiting the room. Sienna and I often argued over stuff like this she wanted me to loosen up and I wanted her to take things more seriously. She doesn't seem to understand that we always have targets on our backs and should be prepared for something terrible to happen.

There was a knock on my door and I knew it was Armando by the sound of it. I told him to come in and he strolled in before sitting on the bed and observing my face.

"Are you going on this date?" He asked.

"I have to, it's for business," I said as I grabbed a black strapless dress and headed into the bathroom to change.

When I came back out Armando was still on the bed playing with his hands. I went to my vanity and began to put my hair into a slick low bun.

"Lex." He used my nickname and I knew he was about to say something heavy.

I turned to him so he had my undivided attention.

"I understand that you went through a lot more than I did growing up and I know why that's the reason why your guard is always up. But, I want you to be happy and I know you say you are but are you?"

As he mentioned the incident I froze up as a flashback hit me. My heart skipped a few beats as I thought back to that eventful night. I quickly shook my head and turned back to the mirror and continued to do my hair.

"I'm fine Manny stop worrying about me," I said trying hard to push the memory to the back of my head.

He let out a deep breath "Well at least have fun tonight, I'll be waiting up for you maybe we can watch a few movies with Allen."

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