Chapter 27

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I arrived at the old treehouse that my father built for Armando and I when we were 8. It has always been out safe place whenever something wrong my father went even as far as buying the land to make sure nothing happened to the tree. Armando cherished it more than I did, growing up he was picked on for being "too" soft. My father would tell him that it was okay to show emotions but he thought other wise. Some times he would spend days in the tree house and would come home when everything calmed down.

"Armando! I'm coming up!" I called so that he wouldn't be frightened by my arrival.

He didn't say anything so I tugged off my shoes and climbed up the ladder. Once I reached the top I found Armando staring out the tree house window, his face was emotionless and his hands were slightly shaking.

I walked up beside him and laid my head on his shoulder while we stared out the window. A few seconds passed by before he spoke.

"I miss him."

"I miss him too." I whispered.

"Why? It seems as if our family is cursed." He said his voice breaking.

I turned and hugged him. "We will get through this Armando. We have too. We have to be strong for Mom and Allen and for the whole family."

He sniffled. "I don't know how to be Strong Lex, I don't know how I'm supposed to keep it together."

I took his face into my hands "If you can't be strong than lean on me. I will be strong for you."

He busted out into tears and cried on my shoulder while I rubbed my back. This was a lot harder on Armando than what I had thought. He was hurting more than I could ever know and all I could do was be there for him. He has been keeping it in for as long as he could and now he needed to let it all out and I would be there for him for as long as he needed me to be.

"I love you Armando."

"I love you too Lex."

We set in silence and watched as the sun set. There was no talking at all we just simply took in the moment. As we got up to leave I hit my foot on something.

"Ow." I said as I looked down at a chest that I had hit my foot on.

Armando looked at me and then at the chest and then he quickly picked it up. "Alexis it's the chest."

I looked up at him confused not understanding what he was saying.

"Dad said if anything bad was to happen to him we look in this chest. It's the chest."

"Well why are you just standing there? Open it!" I said.

He fumbled with the chest but he eventually got it open. Inside was a picture of Armando and I. We were holding Allen who was just born and we both had huge smiles on her faces. There also was a key and a letter."

I took the letter form Armando's hand and began to read it out loud to him.

Dear Children,

I assume that if you are reading this it means that I am dead. I hope you catch the son of a bitch who did it but that's besides the point. I love you all very dearly and please remind your mother of that every singal day. Make sure she is okay, please take care of my heart. But, since I am dead there will be a hell unleashed that you guys can't even began to understand. I have done a lot of things that I am not proud of and I regretted them every day of my life. I did my best to try undo them but things are just not fixable. A lot of people will be coming for you left and right especially since I am now gone. I need you guys to go to this location, The person there will know exactly what to do. Don't waste anytime this is a serious matter. 141 Chestnut drive.

I looked up at Armando who was staring at me with wide eyes. "We have to go there." He said as he took the key and letter from me.

I shook my head "No."

"What do you mean no, did you not just hear what you read? We have to go." He said.

I shook my head. "No, Armando my life is finally starting to be normal. I'm getting married next month. I just got the Mafia under control and the house is almost done being built. I don't want to go through this again. I just need some time to be normal."

"Do you even hear yourself? We are not normal Alexis! This is the life we were born into and we have to deal with it. If we don't act who knows what will happen." He said.

I turned towards the exit of the treehouse. "No! I refuse Armando and if you loved me you wouldn't either. Think about the family. Everyone is still healing going against dad's enimes and bot very ideal right now." I climbed down the tree and headed towards my car.

Armando was running behind me. "You're being selfish Alexis!" He yelled.

"Well for once I don't care!" I snapped as I got into the car and drove away.

Ahhhh! Few more chapters and This book will be wrapped up. Who's excited for book four? Any predictions for whats to come? Please let me know. Don't forget to comment, vote, share, and follow. Until next time my lovlies.

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