Chapter 9

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(I really love this song, plus I feel like it explains well what's going on between Noah and Alexis and how she feels.)

"How much longer?" I groaned.

It felt like we have been driving for hours and my not being able to see only made me feel uneasy. Noah even refused to turn on the radio so there was nothing but silence that flowed throughout the car.

"Almost there." He said.

I had to admit having the blindfold on made his Russian accent sound ten times more attractive. I loved it, but I would never personally tell him that of course.

"Noah I swear if this is some type of trick-"

"We're here." He said stopping the car.

I jerked up a bit and put my hands out to catch myself from hitting the dashboard. "Nice going asshole."

"It's not very ladylike of you to swear so much." He said, I just knew he was smiling.

I flipped him the bird and attempted to climb out of the car but couldn't see a thing.

"I got it." He said, I heard his car door open and close before he walked around to my side and opened the door for me.

I climbed out and he shut the door before placing his hand on the small of my back I turned ready to punch him but he caught my wrist.

"Cut it out, I have to guide you to where we are going or you'll fall." He said as he took ahold of my hand and tugged me along.

I was ready to protest but I kept my mouth shut, I didn't want to fall in front of him that would be too embarrassing, Anyways I was interested in where he was taking me.

We walked for what felt like forever and every now and then I would stumble over my own two feet and Noah would have to catch me which caused me to get frustrated with myself. When we finally did reach our location he made me stand in one spot for a bit while he went off to get something.

"Okay, you can take the blindfold off now." He said.

I took one deep sigh before reaching back and untying the blindfold. When my eyes opened I gasped slightly, He had taken me out to a lake, the sun was just now beginning to set and was reflecting on the lake making it shimmer. I could see all the fishes and other creatures that were inside of it. It was a beautiful sight. Noah was standing on the little doc and next to him was a boat with two paddles inside of it.

"We're going canoeing." He said as a smile stretched across his face.

I bit my lip as I looked down at the raggedy canoe that didn't look like it could hold the two of us before looking back at Noah who now had his hand out waiting for me to take it.

"It's safe trust me." He said.

Not wanting to be a scary cat I took hold of his hand and he helped me into the canoe before getting in himself. He handed me one paddle and held the other.

"Just let me know when your arms get tired and I'll take over."

I rolled my eyes. "I'll be fine, thanks."

We began to paddle and once we reach the middle of the lake we stopped to watch the sunset. The pinks, yellows, oranges, and reds made the sky looks so beautiful. Sunsets have always been one of my favorite things. When I was younger my father and I would get some ice cream before walking up this huge green hill to watch the sunset. I would watch the entire thing before eventually falling asleep on his lap and waking up in my bed the next day.

"It's so beautiful," I murmured.

Noah turned to look at me. "I know."

I felt my cheeks heat up as I avoided his blazing gaze. I could never act normal around Noah he always knew how to get under my skin or make me squirm.

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