Chapter 8

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I had been avoiding Noah like he was the plague. I hated the way he was able to get inside my head and make me feel things I didn't want to feel. Once I find out who was responsible for the attack on us he would be long gone and I'll never have to see his stupid face again.

However, my father had called a meeting, he seemed to have some news for us and I had to admit I was a little on edge. When I got to the meeting room it was just Noah, his father, Noah's Uncle, My father, and Armando.

"Your late.' My father spoke.

"At least I am here," I said as I took a seat at the table.

Noah looked at me briefly before turning his head away and looking towards my father.

I was too busy eyeing Noah's father who I figured out name was Igor. He gave me a lot of bed vibes and the way his grey eyes looked so emotionless didn't sit well with me. I've only talked to him a handful of times and somehow the conversation always ended in a heated argument between the two of us. Noah's Uncle, Maxim, was a delight to be around and his blue eyes reminded me a lot of Noah's. He always knew how to make someone laugh and didn't pay attention to my title he was a nice guy.

I leaned back in my seat. "Well spit out dad," I said, I wasn't in much of a mood today.

Armando glanced at me letting me know that I needed to cool it. I rolled my eyes and waited for what my father had to say.

"You've got mail." He stated before sliding a piece of paper down to me.

I looked at it and looked back up at Noah who looked uneasy. I furrowed my eyebrows because it was written in complete Spanish. As I read over it I realized that it was a warning, the Mexican Mafia was ready to go to war.

"This doesn't make any sense, Anna said she wasn't the one behind the attack," I said.

"Looks like she lied," Armando said.

I crumbled the paper and threw it, my anger starting to boil over. "Well, then we must ready our men. I want Mom, Allen, Sienna, Johnny, Pearl, Ant Elena, and Elizabeth to be sent to the safe house. Uncle Leo, Ant Bella, and Uncle Giovanni can help us if they wish."

"Your mother is not going to want to go to the safe house." My father said.

"She really doesn't have a choice dad. I can't risk her getting hurt, I'm not having it." I said standing up. "The house will be on lockdown, double up on guards, no one is allowed in or out the gates unless it's us. Noah, Armando, and I will take night watch duty." I said

My dad nodded his head. "Very well, I will discuss it with your mother, they'll leave for the safe house tomorrow. The meeting is dismissed." He said.

Everyone rose and began to file out of the room except for Noah, he remained in his chair and stared at me.

"What," I said trying to avoid his gaze.

"Nothing.' He said while rising from his seat he walked over to me. "How about another walk in the garden?"

I shook my head "We have no time for that we-"

"Do you ever just relax? Come on I got a place that I'm sure you would enjoy."

"Noah I can't-"

"I'm not taking no for an answer." He said while smirking.

I sighed in defeat "Fine."

A huge grin grew across his face as he took hold of my wrist and guided me down the stairs. A few heads turned in our direction but I made sure to avoid them as we walked out of the house.

"I'm driving." He said while climbing onto the driver's side.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and got in the passenger side. "Where are we going, I thought you said we were taking a walk in the garden?" I asked.

"It's a surprise, here put this on." He said as he pulled a piece of cloth from the back seat.

I crossed my arms. "No."

"Come on, I'm not going to sneak attack you and it can't be a surprise if you see the direction that we are going." He whined.

I rolled my eyes and snatched the cloth out of his hand and placed it over my eyes before I tied it in the back.

"Don't be nervous we're going to have fun," Noah said before pulling out of the driveway.

So, yes this is short only because the next chapter is long and filled with so much stuff but I'm not going to give it away.. Don't forget to comment, vote, and share. Until next time my lovelies.

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