Chapter 17

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Noah's POV

It has been two days

Two days since I betrayed Alex's trust, two days since she confessed her love to me, two days since I ripped her heart out. I felt terrible I knew what I did was beyond wrong but what really broke me was seeing Alexis cry.

Alexis never cries.

I wanted to run over to her drop to my knees begging for her forgiveness. I felt so empty without her and althought she was right down the hall, I haven't went to see her. I send a few guards in to check in on her and they always come back to tell me that she seems lifeless and refuses to eat.

I was a coward.

"Noah, do you agree?" My father said, snapping me out of my thoughts. We were currently in a meeting discussing what our next steps will be to overthrow the whole Italian Mafia.

I turned to look at him. "Agree with what."

"We have to get Alexis to send a message out to her people, we can't do anything else or they will come looking for her." He explained.

"She'll never agree to that." I said.

"Well then make her agree." He snapped.

"I refuse to, I've caused enough damage anyways."

He stood up and walked around to me "What does it matter? After we send the message out she'll be dead anyways."

I quickly rose my chair. "Excuse me?! You said we weren't killing anyone."

"Well we can't just keep them alive and let them rot in prinson." He Spat.

I tugged my hair before getting close to him "You won't touch her!" I spat.

"Are you challenging me over some girl?"

"She isn't some girl, and you're not going to touch her, or anyone else for that matter." I said.

"Don't test me boy, you're going to do as I say!" He snapped shoving me back slightly.

"I will not stand by and let you rip away someone I love from my life!" I yelled.

"Maybe then you will know how I felt when I lost your mother because of that awful family." He said before storming out of the room. 

I felt so conflicted, not knowing what else to do I grabbed the keys from off the hook and headed to Alexis room. When I entered she was still chained up, her hair covered her face as she stared at the ground. She didn't even bother to look up to see who had entered the room.

I headed over to her and began to set her free of the chains, she looked up at me confused.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Getting you the hell out of here." I said as I undid all the chains.

Once I was done she dropped down to the floor and got up and began to rub her risk. I headed over to her. 

"Alexis I-" Before I could finish the sentence she kicked back to the wall which cuased me to hit my head.

Alexis' POV

I knocked Noah unconscious before walking over and taking the keys alone with the gun. I look down at him and shook my head at him, feeling slightly bad.

"I trust you once, I won't make that mistake again." I headed out of the room.

I tried to not bring attention to myself as I looked around trying to find the rooms that would contain my family members.

"Stop!" I heard a cry come from down the hall which sounded a lot like Armando.

I ran towards the direction of his voice and kicked the door in, when I entered there was a man holding a bat up to Allen, who was shaking in fear.

I didn't hesitate to shoot him before I hurried over to them to set them free.

"Alexis, you're okay, How did you get out?" Armando asked as he hugged me tightly.

"Noah set me free." I explained.

"Noah? Where is he?" Allen asked.

"Unconciouss now come one we have to find mom and dad." I stated 

I handed Allen the back that the guy was previously holding and took the gun out of his pants before giving it to Armando. 

"Let's go." I stated as we hurried out of the room.

We walked the halls carefully, looking from door, to door.

Eventually we arrived at Igor's office and inside we could see them.

"Kick it in." I said to Armando as Allen and I stepped back.

He hurried to kick the door in and we hurried in the room.

"My babies!" My mother cried once she saw us.

"Hell yeah!" My dad sad as we began to set them free. "My leg." He said.

We looked down at his leg to see a knife sticking out. I pulled it out quickly before ripping the bottom half of my shirt and tying it around his leg. Armando and I helped him and up and we all headed out of the room.

That was when alarms went off. "Fuck we need to hurry and get out of here." I said.

"And how do you plan on doing that?" A voice said.

We turned around and there stood Anna and Igor, smiling at us from ear to ear.

Noah's POV

I awoke to the sound of alarms and ringing in my ear. I looked around and realized that Alexis was gone. I hurried to get to my feet and exited the room. There was a group of men running down the hall.

"Where are you guys going?" I asked.

"The prisioners have escpaed." One guy explained.

"You're going the wrong way, there down that way." I said as I pointed in the opposite direction.

They all looked at each other before shrugging their shoulders and running in that direction. I took this as the chance to take off in the direction they were originally going. I knew Alexis would need my help even if she didn't want it at the mommebt.

When I arrived my father was busy fighting Armando and Alexis was in the midst of kicking Anna ass.

"This way!" I called out. They all looked at me.

Alexis kicked Anna to side and shot her in the leg before doing the same with my father. "I'll be back, and when I return, I'm  taking over shit." She said.

They all came running in my dircetion and I showed them to the secret exit. Alexis allowed for her family to go first before turning to me.

"Alexis-" She pulled the gun out and pointed it at me.

I backed away slightly, "What are you doing."

'You doubled crossed me, and I told you what I would do if you ever did that." She said as her voice broke and one  tear slid down her face. "I fucking hate you Noah Petrov"

My heart tighten form the use of her words.

"Noah!" My father called as he got up from the floor and limped towards us, the other hall the men were running towards us.

"Alexis I'm sorr-" before I finsihed she pulled the trigger.

The bullet barley grazed my ear and I flinched and closed my eyes, when I opened them she was gone.

My father finally made his way to me and looked at the wall where the bullet had hit. "Looks like she missed." He said.

"No..." I wishpered "Alexis never misses."

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