Chapter 6

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She led me into a huge office I made sure to keep my gun in my hand just in case she tried to pull in stunts.

She sat behind her desk in looked up at me. "Oh, how rude am I, am-"

"I don't want to know your name," I said as I leaned on her desk. "I just want to know why your men attacked me."

"I don't have an exact answer for that-"

I shot a bullet by her head which barely missed her. "Next time it will go right through your skull. Why did your men attack me?"

She leaned on her folded hands. "My name is Anna Rivera."

I rolled my eyes ready to shoot again but she raised her hands. "You're going to want to remember my name."

I sighed and lowered my gun.

"Not everything is what it seems Miss Ricci, my men didn't attack you under my orders, there is a third person involved."

"Who is it?" I asked.

"I can't tell you, that will be the end of my life."

I rose my gun again "No, this will be the end of your life."

She sighed and leaned back in her seat "You're gonna want to keep me for later because things are just getting started."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that you should keep your guard up because you have a huge target on your back, and people won't hesitate to shoot."

I became frustrated and shot her in the shoulder blade she let out a scream ad her men came running into the room.

"I and my men are leaving, you're lucky I didn't do worse." I exited the room thinking about what Anna had just told me. How I had a target on my back and I always knew that but for some reason, her warning felt more real.


"So, that's all you got out of her?" Armando asked.

We were currently taking a boat back home, sea sickness was kicking my ass but I was able to keep my food down as we talked about what Anna and I discussed.

I nodded my head. "That was it."

"Well, that obviously isn't enough information," Noah said.

I rolled my eyes at him and turned away from him he mumbled something under his breath but I didn't say anything to him. Something just wasn't adding up and I wasn't sure, but maybe Noah had something to do with it.

"You can't possibly be thinking that I had something to do with it," Noah said.

I turned to look over my shoulder at him.

"I was attacked just like you, if that was the case I would have attacked you along with the men, and it would have been my men not others from another Mafia." He continued.

"He has a point, Alexis." Armando said.

I sighed and leaned my head back on the cool boat. "I know"

We continued our ride back in silence, now and then Armando and Noah would talk about something but I didn't join. I felt sick and was still trying to figure out who would have wanted to attack me, and for what reason.


I arrived home and was heading for my dad's office when someone grabbed hold of my arm. I turned to Sienna, she had obviously been crying the tear marks were still on her face and her eyes were red and puffy.

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