Chapter 19

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"Dad just hear me out." I said as I walked around the table to him.

"Sounds like a load of bullshit to me!" He yelled as he slamed his hand on the table

I was currently trying to explain to him everything that Brain had just told me and he was finding it hard to belive. I was too of course but If Brian was right we had to take our chances.

He stood up in his seat. "We're not going to go off some random guys sotry from off the street. My brother Armando is dead!" He snapped.

"With all do repsect sir, I am right. He isn't dead." Brian said suddenly.

My dad stormed up to him. "And who the hell do you think you are?"

I stepped between the two of them "Dad cut it out."

My mother stood from her seat. "I believe him Armani, he resembles the little boy I saw when I visted Kassie years ago. I don't think he is lying about this."

My father tugged his hair and took a few steps back. "So? If he is telling the truth is still doesn't make sense. Why would my own brother want to kill us?"

"I don't have the answer to that, but I do know it is him. He married long ago and had a child who is Anna." Brian explained

"That bitch is my cousin?" I said as I whipped my head towards his direction.

"Yes she is, her mother was murdered a while back and the cops never cuaght the killer." He said.

My father paced back and forth in the kitchen while nervously chewing on his nails. Uncle Leo, who stood in the corner, ran his hands through his now greying blond hair.

"But father, we all seen him drag him ou the house." He said.

"But we never knew exactly what happend to him, he could have easily lied to mother." Ant Elena said as she held my mother's hand across the table.

"It just doesn't make senes. When has our father ever been the type of man to show mercy. Why would he just set Armando free and lie to us all." My dad said as he slammed his hand on the counter.

"He wanted you all to suffer, he wanted you all to believe he was dead and he must of had a reason behind it." Armando said, finally speaking for the first time since the conversation started.

"So what do we do now?" Sienna asked as she craddled her growing baby bump, "We can't just attack them head on and the only person who could even possibly help us is Noah."

Everyone turned to look at me. "No." I said as i clentched my teeth.

"Alexis, honey I know what he did to you....what he did to us was horriable but he also let you go. He has a soft spot for you and if we can just get him to-"

"No!" I yelled, cutting my mother off. "I don't want to have to ever  see his face again. We'll come up with a different plan and Brian will help us."

"What could he even possibly do to help?" Armando asked as he looked Brian up and down.

"I say we take them head on." Briand explained. "They will be expecting sneak attacks but they wouldn't expect us to just barge in there and fight back. All we have to do is capture Anna and have her tell us where her father is. We find him and maybe we can put a end to this all."

"I don't like the maybe part." My father said. "It's too risky too many men could get hurt."

"Its our only plan and I don't hear any of you coming up with a better one." I said, defending Brian.

"Okay, so if we do mange to capture Anna and get her to tell us where her father is. What the hell do we do from there?" Uncle Leo asked.

Everyone grew quiet and I shifted from side to side. 

And then there was a knock from the front door.

"Who in the hell could that possibly be, there is no one here for miles." My father said.

Armando walked towards the door. "Actually thats for me, I knew we would be needing some help sooo" he opened the door and there stood  Noah.

I felt as of the wind had just been knocked out of me and everyone stood waiting for my reaction. I blinked away the tears that threaten to fall, not wanting to appear weak again.

I walked towards the door, and stood in front of Noah trying my best to keep my composer.



Hey guys. I'm back I'm sorry for the long break my family went through some tuff times with the recent death of my Ant. I will be updating a lot more, thank you all for the love and support. Until next time my lovelies.

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