Chapter 7

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~Noah's Pov~

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I had woken up in the empty bed once again, through the walls I could hear someone singing, their voice was so darling. I leaned against the bed frame and listen to the sweet voice. I started to wonder where it came from and decide to get out of bed. I slipped on some sweats and went out into the hallway.

I realized that to voice was coming from Alexis's room. I didn't know that she could sing and so well it was all so shocking to me. Her voice sounded pained and she sounded lost and hurt. I walked closer to her room ready to open the door when a hand stopped me.

"Don't, she'll stop singing the moment that you walk in there," Armando said while holding my hand.

"Her voice is amazing," I whispered as we both listened.

"I know, I haven't heard her sing in years. She must've had a nightmare last night." He said his face dropping slightly.

"Nightmare?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, she gets them now and then and she likes to hide them from me but I can always tell when she has them because she starts to sing as a way to comfort herself." He explained.

"What are they about?" I asked confused.

He looked torn as he looked at me. "When we were 13 something tragic happened. It changed Alexis forever. She was so different once so sweet and caring but after that, she just seemed to turn off her emotions and distance herself from us all."

"What happened?" I asked wanting to know.

"It's not my place to tell you, plus it's a very sensitive topic. Maybe she will tell you one day."

"I doubt it, she doesn't even like me. She barely tolerates my presence."

He nodded his head in agreement. "She's been through a lot."

I leaned on the door and listened to her sing, it sounded as if she was exhausted. I wanted so badly to walk into the room just to see what her face looked like. I wonder if she was crying but that properly wasn't likely.

"Her and I were close once." He sighed.

"I thought you guys still were close," I said confused.

He shook his head. "No, we were closer. Literally attached at the hip. We did everything together, no matter what it was." There was a longing behind his voice. "But like I said before after the accident she completely changed." He crossed his arms.

I wonder what happened, I know personally that Alexis would never tell me herself but that wouldn't stop me from figuring it out.

"What is your interest in my sister anyways?" Armando asked now sounding defensive.

"I like her." I shrugged.

He laughed once. "Good luck with that Alexis doesn't date."

"I never said I was looking for a relationship."

"Then what are you looking for?" He asked.

"I don't know, either way, it won't work out she's far too stubborn."

Armando smiled. "Yep that's her, my mother would always say she was a lot like my father in that way."

"She's just scared to be loved. That's why she avoids all of her feelings, she thinks it makes her look weak."

"I know, it's concerning." He furrowed his eyebrows.

I closed my eyes and leaned on the door frame while listing to her sing. The song was coming to an end. I had to admit that her voice almost brought me to complete tears. I wonder what was going on in that head of hers and how she felt at this exact moment. She was so good at masking her emotions that I could never really tell. The only thing I've seen her be was angry and frustrated.

But, I'm no fool I know it's all a defense mechanism to protect herself from further hurt and damage. She always had to appear so strong to everyone around her, like she never needed anyone or wanted anyone's help. Sometimes it was almost tiring that she never allowed herself to be vulnerable and I think that's exactly what she needed.

To Be Vulnerable.

"I'm going in," I said as I looked at Armando. He didn't say anything so I opened the door and walked inside the room.

Alexis' back was turned to me and her curly hair was down. She was wearing nothing but a huge shirt and some shorts. Her frame was very still but she didn't acknowledge my presence at all. I sat on the bed and waited for her to finish. She had her eyes closed tightly and the way the words fell from her lips had me mesmerized. She was so beautiful that it hurt to look at her.

She sang the last notes with nothing but raw emotions. She was trying so hard to maintain her facade but I could see it slipping away slightly. She turned to look at me and realization dawned on her face but she didn't stop singing just yet. She let the last few notes flow through her, the whole while her emerald green eyes were locked on me. Her eyes have always been my favorite feature of hers.

Even though she tried to hide her emotions, through her eyes I could see everything I needed to know, and right now she was hurting. Her hand trembled slightly as she finished and now we were just both staring at each other.

It took her about a good solid ten minutes to realize that I was in her room and that I had been listening to her sing.

"Get the hell out!!" She yelled.

I rose my hands in defense "Relax, I-"

"Get out!" She snapped again.

I stood to leave and before I could even take a step she shoved me hard against the chest I took hold of her hand and she stopped moving to look up at me.

Her lips trembled and she hurried to turn away from me. "Please just go." She whispered.

Not having the energy to fight her any longer I turned to leave. When I shut the door behind me Armando had an unreadable look on his face but he didn't say anything as he walked away.

I looked back at Alexis' door.

Just let me help you.


This chapter was short and sweet ig :). How are you guys liking Alexis and Noah so far? I think Alexis is a little hard-headed but we can't blame anyone for that but her father. Don't forget to vote, comment, and share. Until next time my lovelies.

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