Myre's Enthusiasm Part 8: Softer

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While brushing a knot out of her hair, Myre looked at her stomach in the mirror. It's definitely bigger. Look, it's sticking out even further. She dropped the brush on the counter, and ran her fingers down the faint crease formed between her hips and softening tummy. It's definitely bigger.

Myre rummaged through her closet and pulled out her scale. Haven't had to use you in awhile. Heh, let's take a look. She zeroed the scale and stepped on it. The numbers fluctuated and settled on 147 pounds. In her head she recalled the last time she weighed herself. She kept her weight under strict control for more than a few years, so any real gain was significant. That's three pounds. Three pounds right on my stomach... Back in the bathroom she turned to the side and ran a hand down her curved belly. I can't keep accepting ice cream as a tip. I'll have to put up a sign and say cash tips only. What if people ask about why there needs to be a sign though? If anyone offers again I just have to say no. They'll understand. Myre turned on the balls of her feet, and arched her back. Well... It's only three pounds though. I'm still clearly at a healthy weight. It's cute though. It's not like I've gotten huge or anything. It's not like I've got a big heavy gut. It's just a bit of cute softness!


With a constant awareness of her recent growth, Myre got to work. Cardboard containers were filled with novelty ice creams. A 5 gallon tub was filled with a batch of vanilla with chocolate chips. All the while she worked she glanced over at the cooler with a building desire for ice cream. In particular the caffeine of Myre's Marvelous Mix called to her. That caffeine really does the trick. Can't have any though... Nope. Just have to ignore it.

The bell above the front door jingled as Evan walked in. Work uniform? It's clean , so that means he's stopping in before going in. She called out as he approached the counter. "Hey! Good to see you. Chocolate fudge swirl again?" Myre cringed inside. Too strong. You laying it on too thick...

Evan smiled and waved. "Yeah that would be nice." He leaned on the counter at an awkward angle trying to look relaxed. "Actually... I was wondering - you know - or maybe you don't... I'll have a long shift tonight and I'm not going to have a lot of free time for a few days. I was wondering - hoping even -"

Myre sighed and smiled. Awww! He's so flustered! Come one take your time. You can do it.

"- What I wanted to ask is if I could buy you an ice cream and we could hang out for a bit." Evan took a deep breath and studied the patterns on the stone counter.

Myre's stomach exploded into a firework of tingling butterflies. A chill ran down her back.Noooo. No more ice cream tips. But... Myre's instinct overrode her reasonability. "Of course! Don't worry about paying for it. I'll just comp some for myself." She scooped Evan's bowl and then labored over her choice. Maybe strawberry? It's been awhile. Or maybe something mint. That would be refreshing. Or... She stared at the latest addition to her collection at the end of the cooler. After nibbling at her bottom lip for a moment, she scooped two scoops of Myre's Marvelous Mix into a bowl. A small serving. She hesitated and couldn't let go of the scoop. With a heavy sigh she scooped another two scoops into the bowl. A medium serving.

As she rang up a small ice cream for Evan, and a medium one for herself, she chastised herself. What am I doing? What did I say this morning? I can't account for all these calories today. While she waited for the receipt to print out, she ran a hand down over her stomach. She wasn't sure if her belly was visible behind the heavy fabric of the apron, but when she pressed against it with her hand she could feel it. I can account for the calories though. They'll end up right on my stomach.

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