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"Well, you're a boy." Virgil giggled softly as he laid the small kit on the bed. "I don't want to overwhelm you too soon, so I won't clutter this place up just yet." Virgil frowned hearing how the poor thing just whined with every breath. "I won't be able to tell how hurt you are till you're up. I can't take you to Logan. He'll make me put you back outside." Virgil sighed as he gently let his fingers brush down the orange fur. "I must admit... for a small fry... you're pretty adorable." 

"I should try to find Roman." Virgil groaned as he grabbed the sword of his dresser. "He'll flip out if he finds out that I have it. You be good, ok? If you wake up don't go hurting yourself more. I'll be right back, little one." Virgil smiled before walking out of the room leaving the small cat to be by himself. Virgil wasted no time in walking to the prince's room. It was right next to his, after all, and that alone caused so many issues, but right now Virgil's only concern was returning the sword and caring for that cat. "Princey?" Virgil knocked on the door a little loudly hoping that the whole 'doesn't matter where in the mind space I am, if you knock, I'll hear it' thing was actually true. Virgil didn't understand how it worked but Roman's always boasted about that. He assured each and every one of them that if they needed him all they had to do was knock and he'd know. Virgil frowned as he knocked again. "This is ridiculous. I'm just going to ask Dad for a key."

Roman whined hearing the loud sound of a thundering knock in his already pounding head. He stretched slightly burying his head into the soft cottony blankets below him. He was exhausted and in pain. He didn't want to get up and answer his door. He just wanted to sleep. Part of him knew he had to. He always answered just in case it was an emergency. Especially if he was out of the house because then it was highly likely it was an emergency. Either that or they just didn't know he was gone. He'd always teleport back unless in some situation where he couldn't. He could hear the knocking and his name being called. It was pulling him out of the cool slumber he longed to be in. He grumbled quietly as he let his eyes slowly flutter open, still in a dreamy haze. He slowly got up and stretched himself out, yawning loudly before sitting down and just stared at the soft grey walls. 

Wait? Grey? Roman frowned as he glanced around him. He swallowed his fear as he found himself in a room he didn't recognize. A giant room... A room for a giant. Roman whined as he stumbled back only to freeze as his eyes caught sighed of a tiny orange tail. 

'Oh no. No. No. No. No!' Roman whimpered as he spun around in circles, practically chasing the tail... his tail until he screeched as he fell off the bed. Roman flailed a bit pushing himself up onto his feet... paws and whined at the pain that rang through him. 'This is not happening!'

'I have to get out of...' Roman whined in fear as looked around and saw everything towering around him. 'Where the fuck am I?'

"Well, at least he can't say I stole it." Roman froze up like ice as the door opened letting this giant person walk in with a sad sigh. Roman wanted to run. He was terrified. He didn't understand what was going on and... Their eyes met and Roman crashed completely. "Hey, you're awake."

'Anxiety?' Virgil knelt down with a smile only to flinch slightly as Roman hissed angrily at him. Virgil's eyes narrowed with a soft look but Roman really wasn't paying attention. All he could think about was how Anxiety had kidnapped him. That he must have done something to him.

"You're ok, little one."

'Oh, don't you dare call me that!' Roman growled viciously as he slowly stepped back. 'You did this. You did something to me. How dare you?! Whatever you're planning IT WON'T WORK!'  Virgil just stayed there absolutely still as Roman booked it under the bed, hissing angrily as he refused to let the other come near him.

"You're frightened. That's ok. I won't push you, little guy."

'I'm not a little guy!' Roman growled as he pushed himself into the furthest corner under the bed and curled up protectively with his tail wrapped around him. 'I'll bite your hand off if you even try to touch me.' 

"Alright..." Virgil giggled to himself as he got up onto his feet. There was no use messing with the poor thing. He was too scared to do anything with. It was best to just leave him alone for now. "I have to go check on Thomas. So you be good, ok?" Roman grumbled angrily from his spot under the bed as Virgil stretched. "He decided he was going out after all so... I have to make some backup plans in case things go south. Let's just hope the prince doesn't chew me out again." Roman's eyes narrowed as he heard Virgil walk about the place. "Before I go..." A small little yellow bowl was placed on the floor and Roman frowned seeing Virgil peek under with a smile. "... just some water. I shouldn't leave you without anything. The bowl's temporary. I'll find a better one for you but for now, it'll work. I'll be back, ok, small fry?"

'I swear if you call me that one more time, Anxiety... I'm going to snap!' Virgil only laughed as he pushed away from the bed letting the cat be on his own.

"See you soon." Roman rolled his eyes as he heard the door close and lock. It wasn't even a few seconds later that he heard the sound of a passing knock at his door. Roman couldn't help but panic. He crawled out from under the bed and whined as he tried to figure things out. He tried to teleport, but he only managed to get to the door. Apparently, he couldn't teleport out of the room. Just his luck. Roman sighed as he jumped up onto Virgil's bed and just crashed with this look of annoyance.

'I'm already done with all of this.'

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