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"R-Ro..." Virgil cringed at the way his voice shook. He gripped his shirt tightly as he tried to keep himself from crying. It really wasn't working. He knocked, fairly weakly, as his hand basically just limply tapped the door. "R-Rom-man?"

"Anxiety?" Virgil spun around making Roman's eyes go wide seeing the state the other was in and it was like everything in the prince screamed to hold him. Next thing he knew Virgil was pressed against him, his arms wrapped securely around the smaller as he let a soft worried purr rumble through him. "Anx? What's wrong?"

"I don't... I don't know." Roman frowned as he just held him tighter, that need to ALWAYS be with him sparking so much stronger. He couldn't stand the idea of Virgil hurting. That's why all that separation anxiety started. He felt like he had to be with him or else he would end up hurt. He didn't want Virgil having an attack and him not being there to help. It's just as time went on that fear grew until Roman literally couldn't be away from him. This was only adding to that. He just couldn't let his hum... His... Face the fact's, Roman, you're a cat. Patton was right this is what you do. It's what you've always done. You latched onto that 'King' and literally became him. You're a cat... and you chose Virgil to be your human. "I'm sorry."

"No. Don't." Virgil froze as Roman just held him a smidge tighter. "It's ok, Anxiety."

"I shouldn't have bothered you."

"Anx, you're not bothering me. I told you that." Roman pulled away and smiled reassuringly at the other as he brushed his tears away. "You could never bother me. Now, please... Tell me what's wrong."

"I tried... getting rid of his stuff... today." Roman actually growled a bit making Virgil pale slightly in confusion. "Roman?"

"I'm sorry. I don't... um... Please, continue." Virgil frowned as Roman slowly led him back to the youngers room. "Talk to me, stormcloud."

"I just..." Virgil's eyes darted to the castle as Roman sat the two of them down on the bed. "I couldn't keep looking at it. I only kept it because... I had hoped he would come back. I looked for him but... I couldn't find him. I'll never find him." Roman's eyes darkened as Virgil started to curl up into himself. "I just couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't have all this here if he's never coming back. I just... I couldn't do it. So I tried to get rid of it."

"Do... Do you want it gone?" Part of him actually broke at the idea of losing his castle. Sure he couldn't use it anymore. He wasn't a cat and he even told Patton he wasn't ever going to let himself shift into one just to have that experience again... because of this very reason. Leaving hurt Virgil... coming back only to leave again... it would only hurt him more. Virgil didn't deserve that. And he didn't deserve the pain of everything simply because Roman couldn't let go of it all either. "I could get rid of it for you... if you wanted?"

"I do but..." Virgil laughed as he rolled his eyes. "I can't do it."

"I know the feeling." Virgil chuckled Roman just smiled sadly. "It's ok, Virgil."

"I just want my King back. He helped me." Roman tensed as Virgil just stared off into the cat's area. "He helped me with my... with..."

"It's ok, Anxiety." Virgil's eyes narrowed as he met Roman's eyes and just nodded. "You don't have to worry with me. I promise."

"He helped me with my panic attacks. He... just helped in general. When things got too much he made it all easier. I don't... I don't know when it happened but... I grew to need him." Roman crashed at that. He simply nodded as he pulled Virgil in and laid his head in his lap as he leaned back against the headboard. "Roman?"

"It's ok, Stormcloud. I understand." Virgil's eyes narrowed as Roman sighed softly. "You relied on him for support when you didn't get it from us and that's ok. Now that you had that... we just aren't enough."


"And that's ok too." Virgil faltered as Roman just smiled at nothing. "It's not wrong to need support from something like that, Anx. Some people just need that extra love. I understand."

"It's not that you aren't good enough..."

"I never said I wasn't." Virgil frowned as Roman let his eyes slip shut. "I simply said I wasn't enough in general. I get that. I do. Trust me, Anx, I know what it's like." 

"What do you mean?"

"The others... they just can't give me what I need." Virgil's eyes widened a bit as Roman frowned. "It's not that they aren't good enough or that I don't love them. Logan, Patton, Thomas... They're all my family but... It's not what I need. So I understand. You need King and... he's just not here anymore."

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to be so..."

"You aren't pathetic for needed a cat, Anxiety." Roman chuckled softly as he opened his eyes to smile down at his love. "Esa's are called that for a reason. Emotion support animals are something that people can need. It's fine. I just..." Roman's eyes darkened as he glanced off at his castle, his heart breaking in his chest. "I just feel bad that he isn't here to help you anymore. You don't deserve that."

"You know, Princey." Virgil smirked as he shot the prince a silly look. "It wasn't that long ago you would have been caught dead being with me like this." Roman's eyes only narrowed as Virgil laughed. "I'm actually kind of surprised we've become friends. Unless... we aren't..." Roman's eyes darted to Virgil who had this sudden look of panic. "I mean it's fine if we aren't. I don't care. It's not like..."

"We're friends, Anx." Virgil froze as Roman brushed his fingers through his hair. "We are... whatever you want us to be, but... We are friends. I do care about you. Like I said... You don't have to worry with me. I've got you." Roman's eyes went back over to the castle as he furiously tried to make up his mind. He already wanted to growl and just tear shit apart but... the fact remains. Virgil just admitted to needing an esa. If he wanted Virgil to be happy... he had to make a choice. "I'm gonna be right back ok?"

"What why?" Roman smiled as he slowly moved so he could get up without hurting Virgil.

"I just... I have to bring something up with Patton again. I'll be back. I promise."

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