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*Several Years later*

"I've seriously about had it with Remus." Virgil groaned as walked in and just plopped onto the bed. "Nothing against your brother... But HOW IN THE FUCK... Is he so wired on a damn Monday?" There was a soft meow over by the castle making Virgil smiled as he turned his head to see his loving orange tabby perched happily on one of the towers. "Yeah. Yeah. I know. Just ignore it." Virgil held his hand out and Roman's eyes lit up as he bounded over to him shifting back into a human as he jumped up and laid himself over his love with a purr. "It's nice to see you too, Roman."

"I missed you."

"I was only gone for an hour." Roman's nose scrunched up making Virgil laugh. "Really?"

"An hour's too long. Besides..." Roman pouted slightly as he nuzzled into Virgil more. "It felt like forever."

"You're so dramatic." Roman meowed as he rolled over and shifted back into a cat showing his belly as if playing bed. "Oh my god. I'm engaged to a dramatic moron!"

"Maybe... But I'm still YOUR dramatic moron so..." Roman lulled as he leaned his now once again human head against Virgil's chest with a hum. His eyes shined as Virgil closed his eyes a bit to rest. "Hun?"

"Hmm?" Roman giggled quietly before clearing his throat and tracing shapes into his loves hoodie.

"Do you... Do you remember when we brought up having a family?"

"Uh..." Virgil tensed up back making Roman smile sadly in understanding. "Yea. Yea, I do. But... Ro, I thought we both decided..."

"We didn't decide anything Virgil." Virgil's face visibly paled as Roman purred to help keep him calm. "I simply asked if in the possible future you might want kids. You said..."

"I don't know, Roman. I don't think I'd be a very good parent." Roman nodded as he continued to traces shapes. "Why are we talking about this again?"

"Because... I think you'd be an amazing father, Virge." Virgil's eyes opened with a sad look as Roman sighed softly. "I just wanted to bring it up again. I guess... I mean... actually. I uh..." Virgil's eyes narrowed as Roman laughed and pushed himself up. "Going over what was said last time. You said what's the point in talking about this now. We already have Nyxie and we aren't even married."

"To which you responded with 'I can change that'. I still can't believe you proposed to me like that Roman. Asking about kids and then dropping to your knees." Roman giggled as he smiled up at his love.

"You're the one that said yes." Virgil's eyes softened as he rolled them playfully.

"Yes. Yes, I did." He chuckled a bit before pushing himself up so Roman could lay on his lap better. "Roman... I just don't know. I'm worried. And like I said before, we have Nyxie! What if our kid is allergic to cats like Patton is? What if Nyxie is rough with the kid or... the kid is to rough with Nyxie. I think we should wait at least until Nyxie's a bit older."

"That... That might be a while, babe." Virgil frowned as Roman smiled sheepishly up at him.

"Roman? What do you..."

"Here's the thing, Virgil. You are completely right!" Virgil's eyes narrowed as Roman pushed himself up with a laugh. "We already have a daughter. Sure she was a cat but she's still our daughter, yes?"

"Was?" Roman brushed him off as he just continued his rant despite the anxious look Virgil was giving him.

"I got to thinking. Why get another kid... when we already have one? I mean... I consider her my daughter. I have... for a very long time now. Don't you?" Virgil could only nod making Roman's eyes light up even more. "I am so happy you said that."

"Roman, what did you do?"

"Me? I didn't do anything." Roman giggled as he shook his head. "Ok. That's a lie. I may have done... something small... like really small... and made it so Nyxie really WAS our daughter."

"ROMAN, WHAT DID YOU..." The door creaked open to reveal a small girl around 6 years old standing in front of the door. Her hair was long, curly, and black. Her eyes were a softly hazel blue. She freckles lining her nose and cheek. Her dark-colored skin like mocha chocolate. She was wearing a soft pink sundress.

"Papa?" Roman smiled as he pushed off the bed and walked over to her with a bright look in his eyes. "Is you ok?"

"Yea, sweetpea. Papa's ok." The little girl glanced over at Virgil, who had tears in his eyes, and frowned in concern.

"Is daddy?" Virgil choked a bit. His eyes darting from Roman to the girl and back all making the prince laugh more.

"Yes, sweetpea. Daddy's ok too. He's just a bit surprised." Her eyes went wide as she giggled and ran over to where Virgil was. Roman's eyes literally shine with such love and light it made him glow. "Why don't you introduce yourself, sweetie."

"Okay!" The girl beamed as she held her hand out, struggling to hold the tan teddy bear with one arm. "Hi, daddy." She sang as Roman walked up behind her. Virgil couldn't hold back his tears as he looked up at Roman one last time to see him nod.

"H-Hello." Virgil stammered as she just squealed happily. She clambered up the bad and crawled her way over to give Virgil a big hug, only for the older to falter at the purr she made. "Nyxie?!"

"Yep!" Nyxie laughed as she looked between her two fathers. Virgil was completely stunned. Roman sighed softly as he joined the two on the bed and almost instantly Virgil leaned into him, Nyxie happily sandwiched between the two. "I love you, daddy and papa."

"Awe." Roman hummed as he rubbed his cheek lightly against her hair with a purr. "I love you too, sweetheart." Virgil hadn't said a word. He just laid there lost in it all. Roman frowned as he looked over to see just how lost Virgil was. "Hun? Are you... Are you ok?" Virgil's eyes met his and Roman crashed. "I'm sorry. I should've talked it over with you first. I... This is what I need to work on. I'm sorry. I didn't..."

"I love it." Roman clammed up as Virgil's voice choked out. Tears spilled endlessly as he just smiled. "I love it... and I love her... and I love you. Roman... We have a family after all." Roman melted into his love's expression as he nodded and just held him and his daughter close.

"Yea... We do."

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