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"You have to go back." Janus smiled softly as Virgil just pouted on the couch. "Virgil..."

"No. I have to work things over."

"You've already done that." Virgil glared over at the snake who just smirked in response. "You did and you know that. Now you're just pouting because you feel horrible for even leaving in the first place."

"Oh, shut up." Virgil whined as Janus sighed softly.

"Virgil, you miss him." Virgil flinched as Janus placed a hand to his. "You miss him and you're worried. Go back. Explain your worries to him. Let him know how you feel about everything. Just hearing him out doesn't fix everything. You're so anxious about it because you scared it will happen again. Let him know that."

"I don't... I don't want to go back yet."

"You can't lie to deceit, Virgil." Virgil deflated as Janus's eyes set sternly. "You never wanted to leave. So go back." Janus chuckled as Virgil just sighed and nodded. "And while you're at it... Send Remus home too. He's been gone for too long. I hope he hasn't caused any trouble."

"Thank you, Janus." Janus frowned as Virgil hugged himself a bit. "For... For helping me... even when I was an ass about everything."

"Virgil, we're all still friends. We understand why you left. Just as we understand why you're adament about us being apart. I just... didn't like that we couldn't even see you. We care about you Virgil."

"I know. Thanks." Virgil took a deep breath as he pushed himself up and just laughed. "You know... I gave Roman this whole speel about needing space. When in reality... All I really wanted was just to be held as I cried." Janus smiled sadly as Virgil's eyes darkened. "What if he's mad at me? I mean... I left him, Jan. I..."

"Talk with him then, Virgil. You two will never come back together if you don't talk. You already did half of it when you let him explain himself. Now you have do the same. Have an honest conversation about it and how you felt. Please?" Virgil nodded as he teleported out finding himself back in his room with a frown. His door was open much to his surprise but... given that he half expected to see Roman on his bed or something. He frowned in confusion as he glanced around. Nyxie always did like Roman's castle. She wasn't there either.

"Roman?" Virgil spoke softly not really wanting to freak anyone out as he slowly walked out of his room. He froze up the second he passed the door and didn't see his king laying where he always did. This... pit formed in his chest and he hated it. He tried to read the palace. Hoping he'd be able to sense Roman and know where he was. After all this entire time he'd felt Roman's fear like a vice. It...

It wasn't there anymore.

"Ro?" Virgil walked out into the living room having felt some panic from Patton and he tensed seeing the fatherly side in tears. "Dad?" Patton jumped up instantly, eyes wide in shock, only serving to make Virgil even more worried. "What's wrong? Why are you crying? And..." Virgil pointed back to his room with a small fake smile. "Do you happen to know where Roman is?"

"Oh, kiddo." Virgil felt his heart seem to crack as Patton's tears only fell harder.


"I love cats." Remus yelled out as he suddenly popped in holding a ball of orange that Virgil's eyes instantly latched onto. "I do. I love cats. There like balls of demonic energy held together in a furry meat suit. I love them. HOWEVER!" Remus groaned as he walked over and plopped onto the couch making the cat in his arms hiss and curl up more into him. "Caring for this one is like... UGH! I mean, make up your mind." Remus went to pet him only for Roman to latch out and bite him roughly again. "To you want to be pet or do you want to eat me?"

"Remus." The darker twin suddenly paled as his eyes shot up to see Virgil standing there highly confused. "What's going on? Why do you have Roman?"

"Oh no. No, no, no. I'm doing this again." Virgil's eyes narrowed as Remus tensed up. "The last time I spilled the beans about Roman, hell went up in a thing of flatulence. I'm not doing it this time. I'd rather shit literally bricks of spikes and quills than do this crap again."

"SOMEONE FUCKING TELL ME!" Virgil yelled out, his aura branching out, making Roman's head shoot up suddenly. Virgil's eyes met with his and everything broke down. They were ash blue. Ash blue... not emerald like Roman's eyes naturally were. "Roman?" Roman meowed lightly before jumping off of Remus and just walking off leaving Virgil standing there completely frozen in shock.

"I'm sorry, Kiddo. Roman isn't..."

"Roman isn't Roman." Logan called out cutting Patton off who looked about ready to break. Virgil frowned as he looked back to see the teacher with this sad look in his eyes. "Remus admitted to not even recognizing him."

"But that's impossible..." Virgil's blood turned to ice seeing Remus just nod. "So... Something... Something happened to Roman. What is it? Some sort of amnesia or... I'm confused."'

"We think he gave up, Anx." Virgil crashed, his heart practically stopping, as Logan sighed sadly. "His magic became unstable after your fight. He wasn't able to hold a human form for very long and it was very painful for him. He just kept getting more drained and tired. Earlier yesterday morning, Patton found him like this. We aren't able to truly understand what's going on because well... It's as if Roman isn't aware or..."

"He was tired, Anx." Virgil nodded in understanding as Remus whispered quietly. "He was tired of fighting... of waiting. He gave up and..."

"He went to sleep." Remus nodded as Virgil laughed with tears in his eyes. "It's my fault."

"Hey, no, Kiddo..."

"No, Patton." Virgil cut in as the tears spilled. "I left him. I left and he gave up. He gave up because there was no reason to keep fighting. I hurt him and he had enough of the pain so... So he just stopped caring. It's my fault. I just wanted to work things out. I needed time to breathe and... I hurt him so badly he just... gave up." Roman bolted through the room caring a toy as Nyxie ran after him and Virgil just... He had enough of this. "Roman?" Obviously he didn't respond. Virgil sighed as he walked over making everyone tense as Virgil knelt down to pet him.

"Anx I wouldn't..." Virgil smiled cutting Remus off as his fingers brushed down Roman's fur. Roman hissed and went to attack only to freeze as Virgil scratched by his ear. Roman's eyes narrowed as Virgil sighed and picked him up much to everyone's surprise. "How... How did you... Anx?"

"Deceit wants you to go back home." Remus flinched as he nodded and quickly teleported out while the others just watched Virgil leave.

"Kiddo, where are you going?"

"My room." Virgil whispered as he walked off, Nyxie slowly pattering behind him. "To talk... Even if it's not him... things need to be said."

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