Chapter Six

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As she applied her makeup, Claire was aware that she was being watched, and turned to see her nine year old step-daughter's eyes on her.

"You do your make-up so differently to how Mum does," Hattie said, on seeing she had been noticed, a touch of spite in her tone.

"Everyone's different," Claire pointed out. Backhanded compliment, she thought. Lucy wore far too much make-up. She didn't look like the same person without it.

Hattie turned and headed downstairs, to Claire's relief. When she'd first met Patrick, he and Hattie had only just been introduced; so Hattie didn't remember a time when Claire and Patrick were not together. But Hattie's presence in itself reminded Claire of such a time; a time when Patrick had had his pick of the prettiest girls and ended up with Hattie's mother Lucy, a gorgeous model who, on paper, was way out of his league. Sure, it was long before Claire knew him, even well before Jenny met him; but still, it stung. He was her possession now, and she didn't like to think of the life before.

Patrick came back into the bedroom, still in his navy blue dressing-gown. "So, you're still sure you want to do this?"

Claire nodded as she finished off the final touches of lipstick.

"Have you thought about what you'll do if she turns nasty? The more I think about it, Claire, the more I don't like it."

"I'm meeting her in a public place, Patrick. It's going to be okay. Besides, Zamian will be with us."

"Never having met this Zamian, I don't know whether that fact gives me any reassurance," Patrick muttered.

Claire smiled and kissed her husband, his jealousy giving her a buzz. "Don't worry. I know what you're thinking, yes he's my ex-boyfriend. But Baby, Zamian and I were friends for many years before all that stuff. This will be good for all of us."

"And am I telling Jenny about this?" Patrick enquired, with mournful big eyes.

Claire shrugged. "If you want to." She couldn't care less, really. This wasn't really Jenny's business, although Patrick didn't see it like that after the things that Baby had put Jenny through.

"Okay. Well, can we go with you to the station?"

Claire shook her head. "I don't want Dex causing a scene. I'll walk." She didn't actually think her son would bat an eyelid. He'd be content at home with his step-sister, who was staying for the weekend. Claire knew that Patrick was planning to take the two of them out to the cinema and bowling today, so he would have a great time without her.

She just liked her freedom, the fact she could have a smoke on the way to the station without Patrick chastising her, the fact that she could pretend she was happy, successful and going exciting places, when really, deep down, she was still, even now, terrified of going anywhere alone.


The train arrived at Manchester Piccadilly just after midday. Claire had taken the train to central London and caught a fast train from there; it hadn't been her cheapest option but it meant she hadn't had to get up stupidly early. She wasn't used to that. She liked her sleep.

She had never been to Manchester before, and carefully looked for the signs that she had been promised she would be able to spot leading to the Arndale centre. She spotted one and, holding her possessions close to her, went with the crowds in that direction.

It didn't take her too long to get there. She glanced at the various shops on the outside, and eventually found an entrance. She headed inside, looked at the map by the entrance, and located the Costa Coffee branch. Just a little further along.

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