Chapter Eleven

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Author's note - the next few chapters include a serious sexual assault and strong violence


"So, what have you been up to this week?" Aimee asked, as they sat again in the Red Lion, both with a drink in their hand.

"This and that," he said. "I've had some business to attend to. A really good opportunity came up. I've been working quite closely with someone, and we've both really benefited from the situation."

"That sounds intriguing," Aimee said, leaning towards him.

"Oh, it isn't," he said bluntly. "It's just work stuff."

"Been a quiet week for me," Aimee said. "I'm between placements. I start my next one tomorrow, thankfully."

"Ah, so does that mean you need to be tucked up in bed quite early?" he teased, touching her arm.

She looked at him with wide eyes and a beam. "Well. We'll see how the evening pans out." She certainly seemed keen.

"So. Have you seen anything of your sister this week.. Jenny, was it?"

"I saw her a few days ago, yeah."

"I'd like to meet this sister of yours sometime, Aimee. Just to see for myself how alike you are."

"Okay. But you can't run off with her, Perry. She's extremely married."

He laughed. "Extremely. Hmm. Sounds like a challenge."

"No," Aimee laughed. "Hey actually, maybe we could pop over and see her in a bit? She only lives a few minutes away from here."

"Oh, I don't know, Aimee.. it might be a bit short notice.."

"No, seriously, it'll be fine. Let me call her quickly." She picked up her phone, and dialled. He listened to Aimee's side of the conversation carefully.

"Hey Jen.... Yes, I am with Perry.... Good, thanks. Listen, we were wondering, I mean I was wondering, can we pop in in a bit? Just so you can meet Perry....? Aw, okay then. Be about half an hour? Yeah. See you then."

She put the phone down on the table. "That's fine."

"Well, only if she's sure..."

"Oh she's real keen to meet you."

"Have you shown her my profile picture?"

Aimee giggled. "No, because I ran out of data last week, and she can't find her wi-fi password."

He smiled. You couldn't make it up. "Alright. If it means that much to you. But, if she falls at my feet, I take no responsibility."

Aimee giggled. "That is not going to happen. Get over yourself, Perry."


"Nice neighbourhood," he commented as they turned into the cul-de-sac. "Paxton Gardens. Sounds dreadfully well to do."

"Yeah," Aimee giggled. "As you know I live on High Street, flat above the barber shop, not so glamorous."

"What does your sister's husband do?" he asked.

"He's a GP," Aimee said. "I think he must be on quite a good salary. Jenny works part time but, all the same, this is a nice house. It's this one."

He looked at it as they approached. "Very nice."

Aimee rang the doorbell. There was a long, long pause.

"I'll just open the door and call up, in case she's with the baby." Aimee said, and she did so.

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