Chapter Twelve

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Because his parents were away for the weekend, Deny had thought about going round to Becky's for the afternoon on Sunday. But in the end, he'd decided just to stay in. He didn't want to do anything, really. Just play on his games console and waste the day away. Yolana would never have let him get away with doing that on a Sunday. He could do as he liked now. Only himself to please.

He'd given up on Aimee. He'd sent her a few messages via Facebook since they had met a fortnight ago, and initially she'd responded to them, but she seemed less and less interested. He understood from Becky that she'd just started seeing someone who she'd met on Tinder. Well, it was probably a bad idea anyway. A bit too close to home. It didn't stop him from thinking about her, though. And he'd been thinking about her a lot this week. Hopefully, he would get the opportunity to see her again soon. He just couldn't deny that there had been a bit of a spark between them that evening.

He'd had a beer and most of a tube of Pringles, and was comtemplating swapping his football game for a war game when the phone rang. It was Jenny. She didn't call very often, so he answered it quickly.

"Yup?" he grunted.

"You have to come now," he heard her whimper. "It's Joe.." There was a muffled crash.

"What the f**k, Jenny?" he said, sitting up in horror.

But the line was dead. He redialled, but it was now going straight to voicemail.

He felt a mist of anger around him and his fists clenched. He stood up, grabbed his jacket, threw his shoes on, and left the flat; he got straight in the car and drove. It was a fifteen minute drive to his sister's home from here; he was pretty sure he could do it in ten.

He had hands-free dialling in his car – he scrolled to the contact he had for his least favourite brother in law, and dialled it.

A nervous voice answered. "Deny... how can I.."

"Get yourself home," he warned. "Something's going on. Perris is there."

"I.. oh.. really? Has Jenny called you?" Williams stammered.

"Get home," he said, and hung up. He then scrolled to the option to dial a number, and called 999.

"Which service?" was the curt response.

"Police," he barked. He overtook a car, almost clipping a wing mirror as he did.

"Hello, police?"

"You need to get to 4 Paxton Gardens, Jenton, immediately. Domestic incident," he ordered.

"What's your name, sir?"

"Dennis Dunral," he said. "My sister. Jenny. You all know her. She just called me. Joe Perris is with her. You shouldn't take any chances with him. He'll kill her."

"Mr Dunral," the voice said, calmly. "We'll despatch someone as soon as we are able to, but I just need to understand. Where are you, are you there with them?"

"I'm getting there," he said, almost missing a junction and flying round it. "You need to get there. If he's found her, I don't know what he'll do."

The signal was lost and the voice on the other end broke up. He ended the call; there was nothing more to say. He'd always wondered if this day would come, whether Perris would have the nerve to show his face again. Presumably he was no longer wearing an electronic tag.

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