Chapter Eight

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As he climaxed, he bit gently into her shoulder, knowing it turned her on, knowing it was the only way he could stop himself crying out in ecstasy. He held her tightly as he lost himself; aware she was also at the same point by the rhythm of her breathing, and as his heart pounded with life afterwards he placed his hand gently on Jenny's chest to feel it do the same.

"Oh P," she whispered.

He loved this amazing woman more than life, but never felt more alive than in these moments. He did his best to hold back the tears he felt welling up, but they did not escape her attention, as they moistened her neck.

"Hey," she murmured, full of concern. "Whatever's wrong?"

He released his grip, and rolled onto his side, face to face with her.

"Just a reality check," he lied. "How lucky I am. Thinking back to how I felt about you when I was younger."

She smiled warmly, her blurry green eyes twinkling. "All the same, it's not like you to get upset now. Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine, Jen. Sorry."

"No need to apologise," she said tenderly, running her hands down his shoulders and arms, and grabbing his hands tightly. He kissed her with all his remaining energy, she was his life force, his obsession, his world, and he hoped and hoped that she knew that.


"Remind me, what is your mother doing in town this week?" Jenny asked him the next day, as she laid the table ready for dinner.

"I'm not entirely sure myself," Paul said, taking off his suit jacket gingerly and hanging it on the back of one of the dining room chairs. "I think it might be a funeral or something. I honestly can't remember what she said."

"Oh," Jenny said. "And she didn't want to stay here?" She picked up the suit jacket and carried it through to Paul's office. She clearly wanted the house to look nice.

"I'm not sure she would have felt very welcome," Paul sighed, following her down the corridor. Relations were not particularly good between his mother and Jenny, through no fault of Jenny's. His mother had brought it all on herself, due to her actions over the years.

"I suppose a couple of hours is enough time to spend with her," Jenny said.

"I agree," Paul said. "Give her a chance to see the kids." He did feel guilty that his mother hardly ever saw her grandchildren, but she'd made bad decisions in the past that had led to this.

"She should be here by now," Jenny fussed, checking her reflection in the hallway mirror. "Is Andrew ready?"

"Yes, and it sounds as if Grace is waking up," he commented. Grace hadn't been an easy baby, but her sleeps and awake times were beginning to fit in perfectly around their life these days.

"Brilliant," Jenny said. "I'll go and get her." She kissed him on the lips. "I love you."

She headed upstairs. Paul watched her adoringly for a moment as she went. He heard a car pulling up on the driveway, and popped his head into his office to check through the window. She had arrived.

He unlocked the front door, and headed out towards the old red car. His mother got out of it, looking coldly across at him.

"You've lost weight," she snapped.

J & P Book 5 - Never Let Me GoWhere stories live. Discover now