Prologue - Seven months later - Christmas Day 2011

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"Oh wow! I've wanted this game for ages!" Andrew said happily, as he opened another present.

Patrick smiled at his son, treasuring the moment. He'd missed out on seeing Andrew on Christmas Day last year, so today was precious, and already a massive contrast to last year's long. lonely day.

It was still fairly early in the day, just after ten, but it felt later; he and his fiancée Claire had been up at the crack of dawn with Claire's son Dexter, then after the present opening they'd been rushing around getting Dexter ready to go out and see his no-good father. He'd known Jenny and Andrew were coming round at ten, but he'd lost track of time in the rush and he was a little embarrassed to still be in his dressing-gown when his ex-wife arrived, but she didn't seem concerned as she sat next to him on the sofa.

"Ah, you see, Father Christmas knew that," Jenny said, winking at Patrick.

Andrew headed off to look through his pile of presents, and Patrick turned to Jenny. "Well, this is turning out to be the best Christmas for a long time."

Jenny smiled sweetly at him. "I'm so glad you're getting to see him open his presents this year. You missed out last year, and I'm so sorry about that."

"And don't forget, I'll be spending some time with Hattie later too," Patrick said to her. "To think, last Christmas I had no idea she existed. And I still wouldn't, if it wasn't for you." Jenny had been the one who put two and two together when Patrick had told her about the little girl he had met at his ex-girlfriend Lucy's flat one weekend.

Jenny laughed. "I suppose not. I guess everything happens for a reason."

Patrick looked away from her. She had a point; he wouldn't have Andrew, Hattie, or Claire and Dexter in his life now if he had never met Jenny, but the things that had happened still affected him.

"Oh, definitely. That much is obvious," he said, awkwardly. "We just can't always see the reason at the time. Shall I put the kettle on?"

"Sounds good," Jenny said.

Patrick wandered through to the kitchen, and filled up the kettle. He put it on to boil, and got some cups ready. He tidied up the breakfast plates; neither of them had had time to wash up yet today. As he started preparing the drinks, coffee for him and tea for Jenny, she joined him in the kitchen.

"He's having a lovely morning," she said, politely. "Thank you."

"It's all thanks to you," Patrick said with a smile, pointing in her direction. He did feel very touched that Jenny had offered to bring Andrew across to spend some time with him.

"I guess," said Jenny.

"Next year is going to be a great year," Patrick added, as he poured the drinks. "Fresh start for the both of us. Getting married again." He'd proposed to Claire a few weeks previously, and they were planning a December wedding.

"Yeah," Jenny said. "Our wedding will come around quick now, once we're into the new year." She was marrying Paul, Andrew's biological father, on Valentine's Day. She'd even invited Patrick and Claire. Patrick wasn't sure whether to go or not at the moment, although he and Jenny had put their differences aside now, he knew it would still be awkward; but he thought they probably would go, as Andrew would want them to be there.

Being a guest at that wedding was a situation that he could never have envisaged a few months ago. He recalled how furious he'd been when the engagement was announced, just after their divorce went through, but so much had changed since then. The events of last May had put things into perspective, finding out about Hattie, meeting Claire, acknowledging that life had moved on. As a result he and Jenny had rebuilt their friendship, making life much better for Andrew, and much easier for everyone. "I couldn't be happier for the way things have turned out," he said.

"Me neither," Jenny said with a smile.

"Were you planning on staying for a bit?" Patrick asked.

Jenny nodded. "Paul's working until twelve, so I thought we might as well both stay until then, if that's okay.."

"That's fine," Patrick said. "I wasn't sure if you would leave Andrew and go to see your parents."

"They're round Becky's," Jenny said, sadly. Relations between Jenny and her stepsister were not great. "We're getting together tomorrow. What time do you expect Claire home?"

"Any minute, really," Patrick said. "Anthony's flat isn't too far away. She'll leave Dexter there. We'll pick him up this evening. Poor kid. He doesn't want to go, really. He hardly knows his dad."

Jenny smiled softly. "Andrew's so lucky, having two dads who love him so much."

Patrick nodded. "Lucy and Hattie should be arriving at about one, and we're eating about three. It's mostly prepared, just for four of us it's manageable."

"Are your parents not joining you?" Jenny enquired.

"Not this year. They're at Emma's. You heard about.."

"Her baby, yes I did, lovely news," said Jenny, looking downwards.

Patrick's sister had just had a baby, and Patrick immediately realised how insensitive he had been mentioning this fact. Jenny should have had a baby too by now, but had miscarried earlier in the year. "Oh.. I'm sorry, Jenny.."

"Don't be," she said bravely. She changed the subject quickly. "As you say, four is a manageable number for Christmas dinner. There's four of us, too."

"Oh, who's joining you?" Patrick enquired.

"Florence," Jenny whispered under her breath.

"Really?" Patrick was intrigued. "But I thought.." He knew that Paul didn't get on with his mother, and he'd thought that she'd never met Andrew as a result.

"First time, today," Jenny explained. "I haven't seen her since before Andrew was born. Paul's not seen her since he moved back to Jenton. With the wedding coming up we figured it was probably time to forgive and forget. Bit like you did."

Patrick glared at his ex-wife. He hadn't forgiven her, and he definitely hadn't forgotten what she'd put him through. But he wanted to have a peaceful relationship with her for his son's sake. "Right."

Andrew came through, breaking the tension. "Can you play, Dad?"

"I'd love to," Patrick lied, "But I've got to go and get dressed."

"Come on then," Jenny said. "You can humiliate me instead." She picked up her cup of tea and followed Andrew back into the lounge.

Patrick watched them from the hallway for a few minutes, a little nostalgic for the family they had once been. Jenny sat next to Andrew and put her arms around him. Andrew reached for a chocolate while the game was loading.

"Hey, don't forget to leave some space," Jenny scolded.

"What, for Christmas dinner? That's not for ages yet.."

"No, for your dad's birthday cake!" Jenny reminded.

"I thought we were having that after dinner?" Andrew questioned.

"Well, your grandmother is bringing a Christmas cake, so I thought we'd better have that after dinner.."

"I wonder what she'll be like," Andrew said.

Jenny said nothing, and looked up in Patrick's direction. Patrick smiled. He knew only too well what Jenny's future mother-in-law was like, having lived next door to her for a few months, and having had several run-ins with her in that short time, mainly over parking.

"I'll be back down soon," Patrick said to Jenny. "Claire should be back soon. In the meantime.. Make yourself at home."

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