Chapter Seventeen

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The first thing he was aware of was the pain. It was mainly in his head, but also particularly in his legs and around them. He couldn't remember what had happened. He didn't know where he was or why. He knew he would have to open his eyes, but was afraid to at first. Curiosity got the better of him in the end.

He opened them, and soon realised he was in a hospital bed, in a bright, warm ward. He was aware of someone sitting beside him, and glanced sideways to try and work out who it was. It wasn't Jenny. It was never Jenny.

"Evening Doc. Nice to have you back," he heard Robbie's chirpy voice say.

He sighed. "Where's Jen?"

"You'll see her soon. She's okay."

Slowly he began to remember what had been happening. The call from Deny, the panicked drive home, and then Deny launching his attack. Had it been a lie to get him there so that he could unleash his rage on Paul a third time?

No, it couldn't have been. Joe must have been there to tell Deny what he had told him, to make him so angry in the first place.

"Sure she's okay?"

"She's fine. She just can't be here right now. 'Cia will explain."

"Whenever I come round from a kicking, she's never here," Paul said, solemnly.

Robbie laughed. "True that, mate."

One of the doctors came in to check on him. "Ah, hello Dr Williams, I'm Dr Moore. How are you feeling?"

"Sore," Paul admitted.

"Just going to do a few checks. The police need to speak to you, but not until you're feeling up to it. I'll be the one who makes that decision."

At that, Lucia came in. "Paul. You're awake," she said with a beam.

"I am," he said, grimacing in pain.

"Can I speak to him before the police interview him?" Lucia asked.

"He's not well enough for the police just yet," the doctor said. "Just.. I'll be back in a few minutes. You weren't witnesses to what happened, were you?"

Lucia shook her head, and glanced at Robbie, who did the same.

"Oh, that's okay, yes you can speak to him by all means." He left the ward.

"Where's Jenny?" Paul asked again.

Lucia perched on his bed, and looked first at Robbie, and then at Paul. "Jenny's fine. She's just being checked over, and interviewed by the police."

"What happened? Is she okay? Did she get hurt?"

Lucia sighed. "She will be okay. But she asked me to talk to you about a couple of things. She didn't want you to find out from the police. Firstly – Joe's dead. Deny killed him."


She nodded. "They've told the police that Joe did this to you."

Paul didn't get it. "But he didn't.."

"Shh. There's more. Baby was with Joe. We don't really understand how or why yet. She tried to take Grace. But she didn't get far. Seemingly Claire and Patrick helped get Grace back off Baby."

J & P Book 5 - Never Let Me GoWhere stories live. Discover now