Part 12

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Inspired by NonExistentDick

Izuku Midoriya

I ran away from Todoroki. I don't even deserve to use a first name basis with him. I hit him and beat him up because I let myself get drunk. Even though he accepted what I did and said it was ok, it wasn't. And I didn't deserve him. I went to a hotel and booked a room. Todoroki is smart and would check the closest hotel because there's not many around where we are. But I ran to one that was mikes upon miles away. It was very tiring and I had to stop and rest a few times but I got to one far away where Todoroki wouldn't find me so quick, or hopefully wouldn't find me at all. I'm gonna sleep here tonight and then run to another hotel to get as far away as possible.

I got in bed at the hotel since I didn't bring any extra clothes and went to sleep. When I woke up I felt something close to me. I looked down to see Todoroki hugging me tightly. 'How did he find me?!?!?!?!' I thought as I carefully got up. It was about 4 and he usually sleeps til 8 so hopefully I'll get some time to get away from him.


'I need a break.' I thought. I've been running for almost three hours now. I've ran miles. I'll get to a hotel soon is what my phone says. 'Hopefully Todoroki won't find me all the way out here.' I thought. 'But how did he find me at the other hotel? There were like 5 other hotels he had to check before he got to the one I was in.' I knew he was going to find me but not so quickly. Weird. I heard a really loud car drive by. It was annoying because it going so fast and it was booming. But then it stopped. For no reason. There wasn't a stop sign, or a stoplight, and no one was crossing. I wonder why he stopped. Then he made a U-turn and went past me. Then he did another one so he was in the same direction as me but just a little behind me. 'Who is that guy- Wait. That's a black car, and the license plate... Shit! It Todoroki! How'd he find me again?' I started to run as he cruised next to me. I ran faster and faster until I was going as fast as I could. But then I fell over the uneven sidewalk but got back up as quick as I can. He opened his window.

"You okay, Izuku?"

He said in a soothing voice. The one he knew I liked. But I didn't deserve it. I didn't respond and kept running.

"You know can't out run me."

'But I can out smart you.' I thought as I turned into an alley that a car couldn't go through. He didn't get out of his car though. He must still not be able to walk from when my jackass beat him up. It was a two sided alley so I ran though the other side. 'Wait.' I thought as I stopped. 'I should just go back the other way.' I turned around and went back but his car pulled next to the alley. I should've known. He's as smart as he is hot. And he is really, really hot. He got out of the car and started to walk slowly grunting with each step leaning on the wall that made up one side of the alleyway we were now both in.

"Todoroki. Stop. You need to heal. Your wounds are bad."

"B-but I'm never h-healed without y-you."

He said between grunts.

"P-please come h-home Izuku."

"Todoroki, what if I beat you up again because my dumbass can't control being drunk. I don't want to hurt you again."

"Izuku. You won't. I know it. I can't be hurt when I'm with you. You wouldn't let it happen. I know it. Now please, Izuku. Please come home. Before I... before I...... fall-"

Shoto Todoroki

I awoke suddenly and shot up before grunting in pain.

"Todoroki! Please stop moving! You need to rest."

Izuku was sitting in a chair next to what looked like my bed. It was a little hard to tell. I couldn't see that well right now.

"Izuku, what happened to that cute nickname you always call me by?"

"I don't deserve to call you buy your first name much less a nickname."

"Izuku. Please stop saying you don't deserve things. Yes you do. This was an accident. And we both know it so please forgive yourself. Please, Izuku. Please."

"I-I can't. I beat you up and I will never forgive myself."

"Say something like that one more time and I will pin you to the wall and kiss you."

"I don't deserve to be kissed and yo-"

"That's it!"

I got out of bed and Izuku got up and put his hands out trying to stop me from getting up. But it didn't work because I just grabbed his hands and walked him back to the wall. I pinned his wrists together with one dang the other went up his shirt. It feels so good to touch Izuku again.

"T-Todoroki please stop."

"Call me Todoroki one more time and I'll go harder."


It's like he wanted me to do this to him. Then why did he run away? Whatever. He said it so I went harder. I got my hand up to his nipples and starting twisting while I kissed and but his neck leaving hickeys. He was moaning so much. Hopefully he liked it.

"T-Todoroki, why's re you doing this."

"Because Izuku. You've only been saying you don't deserve me and thought about your feelings. But what about mine. Even for the short time you were gone I was dying because you weren't there. I needed to see you. I needed to hear your comforting voice. I finally found you and Is as so happy but then you ran to another hotel and I got sad again. But now we are here I'm happy again."

I sighed and let his hand go and took my hand out of his shirt. I walked back and sat on my bed and sighed again looking down wearing a sad face.

"If you want to go, then go. I won't stop you, and I won't try to find you."

He walked over to the door. I knew he was going to leave. But I want him to be happy. And if running away makes him happy, then so be it. I looked up to see Izuku still in the doorway. He smiled at me and closed the door. He walked over to sit with me and we looked at each other. Him smiling at me, but still being sad.

"Izuku. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say you were selfish. If you want to run away then ru-"

I was cut off by a nice long kiss from Izuku. His lips felt nice and I finally smiled.

"I'm sorry, Shoto. I still don't deserve you. But I want you to be happy. So I will stay if you want me to. Make me leave, and I gladly will. I just want you to be happy, Sho."

"Stay... Stay. I want you to stay. Please stay."


He got up and helped me under the covers then he got under them too. I've been waiting for a long time. It felt like he hasn't cuddled me for years, but it's only been a day. I don't want to feel like that again. I want him to stay. And I want his love.

Hi! Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I'm in Florida rn and we are doing a lot of fun stuff so nighttime is really the only time I can write. I'm going to do a time skip next part. But it'll be really big. To write about their kid, Hayato Todoroki. Ok see you then. Bye!

The English Teacher (TodoDeku) ~Inspired, not Copied~Where stories live. Discover now