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The white wolf is quite big but slightly smaller than mine. It has pure snow white fur and red eyes surround by a golden rim around it. This wolf I have seen it around by as a familiar sent hits my nostrils, I realise it's Avyanna. She stalks towards Davinela but before making eye contact with me.

I get into protective mode and try to break free, I cannot bare to see my mate risk her life for me and everyone here, yes it's brave of her but I just cannot let her do that. I keep struggling until I realise something.

*Start of flashback*

"Now back to the point. White wolves are all vampire/werewolf hybrids. The offsprings of a vampire and werewolf mating. The reason behind this is that, I as the Moon goddess has a messanger in a generation for a certain family, but it does skip a generation."

"So what you are saying is, in my Kingdom somewhere, out there you have a messenger?" I confirm.

"Yes I do."

I contemplate and eventually add one plus one. I shockingly look at the Moon goddess.

"It's Avyanna, isn't it?"

She widely smiles and nods

Oh my gosh. This is unexpected and something new.

"Does she know?" I curiously ask

"No she does not and I intend for her to find out herself." She responds.

* End of flashback*

So she finally did find out for herself. As I look at my my mate, all I am is in pure admiration. I am so proud and happy for her. She is my everything, my pride and joy. I can't help but to take pride in her but also I'm worried that I cannot fight by her side and have her back. I feel so useless.

I am brought out of my thoughts as I see Avyanna making the first move and run towards Davinela. Davinela releases balls of black smoke towards Avyanna but my Reina swiftly dodges all of them one by one. As she gets closer instead of the obvious move of leaping into the air, she manages to reach for Davinela's leg and she viciously grabs it as she sinks her teeth deeper in her.

She abruptly shakes her head to inflict more pain to Davinela. The witch b**** releases a cry of pain. I watch with mixed feelings desperation, pride, fear and happiness for my fearless warrior. Davinela manages to raise her hand and start a black smoke ball aiming it at Avyanna but Avyanna was oblivious to it.

"Avyanna, watch out!" I shout, she raises her head to look at me and then turn to Davinela but it was too late. Davinela manages to release her black magic and hit Avyanna right in the stomach.

I watch in horror as Avyanna drop to the ground and shift back to human form. She was wearing the golden outfit she wore the first day I met her. She was now breathing heavily holding her stomach. Davinela stands up with a grin plastered on her face. She walks slowly to Avyanna and everything she gets closer, I want to break free and protect her. If Avyanna does, I will die with her.

"Well, well, well little wolf. It was nice playing this game with you but unfortunately you are no match for me." She starts

She then turns away as she starts talking again. I don't understand you, why would you come save all these people that don't even accept you especially your mate." She says the last part looking at me.

Avyanna just glares at her back. What Davinela said is true, everyone is here including the wolf elders fighting with us and no one accepts her, me involved. This just shows how much she is destined to be the Queen Luna, she will always be there for her people no matter the circumstances. I really feel guilty and bad we really deserve to die and not be saved. As I look at Avyanna, she is a blessing to not only me but to Kova, she is badly wounded but her eyes show the strength of her soul, she is willing to fight and sacrifice herself for each and everyone of us.

Davinela laughs and turns towards Avyanna. "You are pathetic and weak. That's why they all walk all over you." Davinela says as she gestures towards us. "I once asked you to join me but you refused just because you are in love with this for that rejected you. How pathetic."

Avyanna tries moving and sitting up but fails. As stubborn as she is, she tries again but falls back down.

Davinela laughs at her. "Don't try, it's useless standing up after that blow." She then turns around and looks at the rest of us.

"It's time now." She raises her hands and opens her mouth but before she could do anything Avyanna tries to sit up again and this time she managed slowly u til she stood up straight.

"You know Davinela, when you are a warrior you fight like a winner. It won't matter what life throws at you." Avyanna says as she raises the hand that is not on her stomach. She looks straight at Davinela as her hand glows a gold, hence appearing her trident.

She raises her trident and hits it hard on the ground, releasing a golden light. Her eyes start glowing the color per wolf, the light gets brighter which causes all of us to look away. After a while, then hear a loud this on the ground. I look back at Avyanna to see her floating on air with a bright light surrounding her but that is not what surprised me. What surprised me is the gigantic white wolf behind her with large wings.

The whole wolf stood about ten feet tall towering over all of us with it's wings stretched out. I have never seen anything like that before, this wolf looked like any other wolf but had wings. I guess it was a representation of her hybridism the wolf  and the wings that represented her vampire side.

It was magnificent, all of us stood in awe accept one. Davinela, was now scared, she was frozen on the spot, I can see she knows what this means more than the rest of us.

Avyanna then looks at Davinela.

"I have advice for you. Never underestimate the power of an alpha female."

The moment Avyanna says that, her wolf let's out a loud, strong ear piercing howl and gold light emits from them. I feel myself free to move, only to realize all the grimslingers are disappearing bit by bit. I look around to see everyone is free and I look back at Avyanna the same time a thick ray of light comes from Avyanna and aims straight for Davinela's heart.

The next thing we see is nothing but Avyanna, both Davinela and the giant wolf are nowhere to be found. I rush over to Avyanna as she soon faints in my arms. As I look at her face, I think to myself, she really is a Queen, she is my Queen Luna. Throw her to the wolves and she will come back leading the pack. She is a warrior not because she will always win but because she will always fight. Even after what she has been through in her life and the rejection she has experienced from not only me but society, she does not give up. She is a true fighter, you see it in her eyes. She was not born strong, she was made strong. She was sculpted to be her own hero when the world let's her down and she keeps picking herself back up. I was a cool to not realise that soon.


Finally the War is over and they have won. Two-three more chapters and this story is over.

To stay tuned and know how the story really ends, remember the War was just part of the story, afterall this story is about Avyanna and Aedion. Just go vote, comment, share and follow both this Wattpad account and my Instagram account @dutch_essqueen

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