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It was a small rustic cottage built in the forest  which could comfortably accomodate a middle aged woman Edna and her teenage daughter Lily.
This was a time when civilization had long been destroyed and the only chance of survival  for the few descendants meant living in the forests.
Their cottage was situated right at the foot of a small hillock. After the day's work was completed,the two would trek up the small  hillock and look at the beautifull forest which spread until the horizon. The sun with its elegance would paint the entire sky a mix of orange and purple...and sometimes the cool breeze would occasionally brush the girls' faces.
They loved that time of the day. They spoke their hearts out about everything.
Though the two seemed happy and content in their lives there was one constant worry. It was that of the dark. Nightfall did not only mean wild animals,it indicated the arrival of a mystical power  called Nectra-a force that was said could drive people mentally unstable and made its victims it's army to go on and attack others. The woman knew that there was a cult far East that was powerful enough to fight Nectra.But travelling that great distance before nightfall only during day was impossible, she would need a group with enough weapons and she had given up hope of reaching the cult after she lost her husband to Nectra. She knew there was an 80%chance at survival every night if she bolted shut every door and window and burn camphor all night...Lily knew why the doors needed to be bolted shut but the camphor was something she never understood.
"Have you told your prayers dear?"Edna asked her daughter.
"Yes ma."
"Alright! So the doors are bolted and the camphor has been lit. Let's hope that fate says we are alive tomorrow"Edna said in a tone without fear as if it was a very normal thing  that happened to forest dwellers. Lily just smiled ."Good night Lil."
"Good night ma!"As the two just closed their eyes and allowed the darkness to succumb their room a series of loud bangs on the door was heard. They jumped up startled. They had never seen a living human face for 16 years.  Was this even a human or one of Nectra's victims."Help please let me in it is gonna kill me....I beg you !" an afraid male voice was heard which also seemed to have been panting. The girls in the room didn't know how to react they looked at each other and looked back at the door.

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