The End -part II

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The news that the cult was becoming corrupt slowly spread just as planned. People now we're protesting for a better government. Although, nobody except the group of fifteen knew that the government murdered refugees. They were made to believe that the government was breaking down due to selfish reasons. Ordinary residents protested and conducted rallies. People shut down their shops and other markets. Economy fell.

It was the perfect way to weaken the evil government.

The following few days the group of  fifteen people began their intense training during the early mornings beside the ancient temple. The group was divided into three parts with five people in each team. This was done so that everyone would be skilled in every aspect of the battle. Lily trained people with spears. She taught them the right position to hold it, attain perfect trajectory and aim. Edna taught her group on how to deal with any medical emergency situations and Arthur  headed one group which taught people how to tie the bombs to the spears as they were very delicate hence, required special skill to tie them.

 Derek was in-charge of the control station, he was supposed to report any suspicious activity and alert the group for unprepared dangers and Colin's duty was to lead the group into the forest as he was the best navigator.

That evening they had their last class on modern tech. From that day on they were considered to be at par with the cult.

Colin, Lily and Edna took a long walk after their class.

"Look how things have changed. We thought life would be better in the cult when we were in the forest. Now, it feels like life was better when we lived in the forest." Lily said with disappointment.

"Yes, but things will get better." Edna told her daughter.

"Things will, but we need to focus. Derek has sent the peace letter to Jeffrey. We will meet him tomorrow for the last time." Colin said angrily.

Edna still did not like the idea. It wasn't honourable.

Lily noticed her mother's thoughts.

"I know how you feel about this Ma. Everything happens for good. There is no better way to go about the situation."Lily hugged her mother.

Edna smiled and said nothing. On the whole, she wanted justice more than anything.

That night Colin, Lily and Derek met in Georgia.

" Did he reply?" Colin asked.

"Yes! He did. He will meet me by the riverside tomorrow sharp at six with no guards."Derek said.

"Ok, Lily you know what to do."Colin said with a strict voice.

"Yes."she replied.

The next morning at six Jeffrey reached the bank of the riverside. He wore a suit and expensive shoes. He picked the wrong attire as the muddy bank covered most of his shoe with soil. He was extremely annoyed by it. 

"Couldn't you pick a better spot my shoes are all covered in mud!" He said angrily.

Derek simply rolled his eyes at him.

"My father told me you don't want me intervening in your experiment. I will stop whatever it is I am doing under one condition." Derek said.

"What is it?"Jeffrey asked curiously.

"I want complete control over your security system!"Derek said. He knew he wouldn't get such an agreement but he was delaying the man.

 Jeffrey laughed. "You are never ever going to get control over the security system." He said.

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