What do we do?

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Shocked by such an unexpected yet horrifying moment the two decided to wait for the next thing to happen. But all the man did was plead and plead for entrance. Edna's conscience and logic were now battling.Her conscience took over .
"Lil get the spear I'm gonna open the door if anything out of hand happens I want you to simply kill that man you understand !"she commanded.
"What the...what why no...we are not opening that door do you even remember the rule?"Lily snapped.
"I know I know but he is probably being attacked and if we manage to help him we can find a way to do something about our situation."
Lily immediately understood what her mom meant and stood in position ready to deliver a lethal blow. Edna crept to the door, unbolted it and slightly opened it to see who her visitor was.
He was a tall man with a beard and moustache drenched in sweat
"Ah! thank you now please let me in!" pleaded the man.
"How do I know I can trust you?"Edna demanded
"Trust?...woman please I'll tell you once I get in alright ...there is no time it's right behind me!"
The trees began to unnaturally sway and a chilling cold wind began to blow that made all their bones shiver .There was a chilling sound of whispers and a mist slowly began covering the ground.
"A-a-alright I swear if you let me in I'll protect you and anyone else who resides in your house!"The man said almost helplessly.
Edna had never seen the horrors of  Nectra in person...and for sure this was only the beginning.She just grabbed his arm and pulled him in.
"Thank you!...now please sit as silent as you can."The man said.
"What else do you think we do every night?"Lil thought to herself.
The night passed by and every second of it was tormenting the hissing sound of the mist slowly faded with sunrise.It looked like any ordinary day except for the trees which had now become lifeless.
"I'm sorry I hadn't asked earlier but what is your name mister?"asked Edna.
"Colin. And what is yours?"asked the man.
"I'm Edna"
"Why in the world would you travel all by yourself at night knowing that's when Nectra hunts?!"Edna demanded.
"It's not like that. You definitely would have heard of the cult. I'm in search of them ."
"You are ?"
"Yes! But now you and your daughter  have  to come with me. Nectra's hunt will begin today at dusk starting from here. We need to travel now and fast."
"But the cult is far East that is a lot of travel and safety isn't guaranteed!"
"And you think you are safe here?"
Edna began to think but it did not take much convincing...she wanted all this to end. She agreed and they packed all their necessary items like weapons ,some food, medicines and clothes. The journey had begun.
Three hours had passed since the journey began and the trio hadn't spoken a word.
Lil decided she would break the awkward silence. "So...um..mister Colin.."
"Please ,just call me Colin."he replied.
"Ya sure...Colin um..this cult how has it survived and do they know how to destroy Nectra?"
"Well I don't know. But the cult has lived since our ancestors and all I know is that they could probably  destroy Nectra."
"By the way how did our ancestors die? They were said to be quite advanced in terms of technology and weaponry."Lily wanted this answer ever since she was eight.
"Well ...there was an asteroid hit and about 10% of  human population had died but what followed later was worse a poisonous yet sweet smelling gas was emitted. It was an external element unknown to the periodic table it wasn't earthly. It started to manipulate the human brain turning them into reckless killers.Thats how most of them
died. And there is something which is very important and to keep in mind at all times...."
There was an ubrupt movement in the bushes a little ahead and a blood curdling scream was heard. The trio stood rooted not a word was spoken.

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