The End Part-III

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4days to attack:

Jeffrey was the least trusted member in the group. He had an injured leg and limped everywhere. 

"Serves him right!"one of the members whispered  to the other.

Jeffrey wasn't slow in picking up tactics and strategies. He learnt the plan and worked towards implementing it. Members of the group decided to keep a substitute member to replace Jeffrey in case he tried something stupid. Some wanted to kill him in his sleep. Obviously the " kill him in his sleep" idea was immediately rejected as Jeffrey promised that he would let the group use his security system as long as he was alive and he kept that promise. The idea of keeping a substitute member although was seriously taken into consideration. 

Lily on the other hand wasn't permitted to practice her weapon. She had a severely injured ankle and throwing spears required strength and knack.

She was a strong minded girl. To avoid unwanted sympathy and pity she practised all by herself at night by the river cave when nobody was there. She learnt how to put less pressure on her ankles and use only her arms. She learnt a few tricks that helped her increase speed and accuracy without having to take stance. She practised relentlessly. 

2 days to attack:

That evening Derek had just finished his class in first aid and saw Lily walk behind a tree suspiciously. He raised an eyebrow wondering what she was doing. He silently crept towards the tree without being noticed by anyone else and peeped to see what Lily was upto. She wore a cloth around her face to cover it and only left her eyes open. She picked up a spear and jogged towards the riverside.

"She is never going to quit!" Derek thought to himself.

He didn't stop her but he followed her quietly.

On reaching the riverside Lily took a look around her surroundings to ensure no one was watching. Although, she didn't notice Derek. She took her spear and held it perfectly parallel to the ground then raised  the pointed end to a certain angle and with one swift motion threw the spear which attained perfect trajectory. She had marked a spot on the very tree she fell from which was about 70 meters ahead of her. The spear perfectly hit the marked spot piercing through the wood. Derek noticed that the tree had many spear marks. It seemed like she was removing her complete anger on the tree for dropping her from that height and badly injuring her. Lily jogged towards it to pull the spear out , but she couldn't. The spear was buried deep inside the wood. Under any normal circumstance she could have used her leg for support by keeping it on the bark and using her body weight to pull it out but now, she could only use her hands. She was frustrated. 

Derek thought it was time to show his presence to her.

"Let me help!"he said.

Lily looked in his direction startled by the fact someone was watching her.

"I don't need your help." She said angrily.

"Who said you do? I just want to help" he said with a smirk.

" You are not supposed to be here. Who else have you brought along with you?" She asked irritatedly.

"No one, just me. Don't worry I'll keep it a secret!" He said and pulled out the spear.

Lily hated the fact that she needed help. She snatched the spear from his hand.

"Don't keep watching me. I can take care of myself." She said.

" I know you can. Really nice throw by the way!" he said with a wink and jogged away.

She still looked at him with annoyed eyes.

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