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It was almost dusk. Colin had climbed a tree to find the star that helped him navigate through the woods. As he did, he found a safe spot to rest for the night.
"There is a small hillock a little ahead, we can camp there."said Colin climbing down the tree.
The three set camp on top of the hillock.
Edna sat down to admire the beauty of the sunset. It reminded her of the tiny cottage they lived in, which would soon be destroyed.
The memory of her late husband, Dave flashed before her eyes. He was a brave warrior who along with several other warrior men had gone to fight a battle against Nectra's army. Not a single person returned. The battlefield was bloody and there were bodies everywhere.
It was then understood by commoners that Nectra couldn't be fought.

She was lost in her thoughts and did not realise Colin sitting next to her.
"I too had a home once."Colin said bringing Edna back to the present.
"I lived in a village far south."
"A village? "Asked Edna who was genuinely surprised.
"Yeah...I was eight when there was a sudden attack. A Nectran army. My mother gave me a bag of essentials and told me to never stop running until I found the cult. Those were her last words."
"I'm sorry."said Edna disturbed by his story.

The sun was no longer visible and darkness  slowly began to seep in. Far away a blanket of mist was seen consuming everything under it. Nectra had commenced it's hunt. A faint hissing sound was heard , the trees died in it's presence and the entire region was quickly turning barren.
It was obvious, if it weren't for Colin the two would have gotten themselves stuck in the mist.
"It's moving quite fast!" Said Lily as she approached the other two.
"Yes it is. And from tomorrow we travel faster... no unnecessary breaks. We need to reach that cult."

The forest was lively, it was generous to its  travelers. Many believed that forests housed spirits who were mischievous. They would sometimes change the path so that travelers would get lost. Sometimes, they would help travelers reach their destination safely. It was widely believed among forest dwellers that trees talked. If one listens closely it can hear it's laughter, it's advice, it's silence - mainly indicating danger and so on. Similarly water bodies in forests communicated too. If one wanted to survive in a forest they would have to respect and carefully listen to its every word.
The trees were peacefully swaying with the gentle breeze.
The trio were marching without a break since dawn.
"Can we please take a small break."asked Lily exhausted now.
"No we won't. We shall trek untill the sun reaches it's zenith. We need to move faster."commanded Colin.
"Oh come on! I can't take another step. "
Lily protested.
"Sure you can."Colin said without looking at her.
"No, I can't!" Said Lily annoyed.
"Yes you can!"
"Yes you can!"
"NO!"said Lily raising her voice.
"Drop the attitude young lady! Do you want live or not?!"Colin was practically shouting now.
The two began arguing. Edna tried her best  to calm the two down. She was a calm woman and never showed much emotion.
The three were so annoyed and distracted that they did not realise the silence around them. The argument was loud enough to give their position away. The trees had stopped it's rythemic swaying and were standing still. There was a deathly silence.

"Sshh!"said Edna who had become aware of the situation around them.
"Don't shush me!"the two said together.
"No...the trees, they are quiet. This can't be good."
Almost immediately a wailing sound was heard.
"They are here!"said Edna horrified.
This time they were outnumbered. Behind the trees possessed victims crept out just like the one they had encountered earlier. The disturbing sound of them wailing made it harder to concentrate.
"Don't look directly into their eyes for too long unless you want to turn into something like them."said Colin drawing his sword preparing for battle.
Edna wasn't skilled at combat. She  was more of a doctor than a fighter. Yet she picked up her machete and stood in position and Lily always held her spear in her hand.
"Alright, kill them all and don't die!" Colin said .
Lily took long strides and jabbed any creature that came her way. Edna used her machete to chop off the possessed  heads just like she would cut down a tree for fire wood and Colin kept slashing their eyes out.
Though they were outnumbered they were a skilled group. After a bloodied fight. Colin and Edna sat down for the first time during the day to celebrate their victory.
"Good job Edna! You fought well." Colin said gasping for breath.
"Well thank you! And Lily..." Edna stopped ubruptly.
Lily was no where to be seen.
"Lil?"Edna called.
"Where is Lily?" Colin added.
"Oh god....I hope she is fine!

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