The past.

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Colin was awe-inspired by everything in the cult. Architecture, technology, law and culture were truly astounding. Edna and Lily too were amazed by the land. The government had managed to keep development and nature balanced.

Colin informed his companions about his rendezvous with Derek by the river and left.

To reach the river, Colin had to walk through an entire colony of row houses. He noticed how people were well dressed and going about their normal routine. During this long walk he slowly noticed how people were staring at him. Eyes that displayed pity, some displayed disgust and anger and some showed astonishment. It was the most uncomfortable journey in his lifetime. He could hear people whispering behind his back. Colin shrugged not knowing how to react to the unwanted attention he was gaining.

"What's wrong with them? Why are they staring at me? Don't they know it's rude to stare! Or is something wrong with me? Am I not wearing my clothes properly?" Colin began to think.

Finally the tar road and it's posh row houses came to an end. Colin had to climb down the muddy slopes of soil eroded by the river. This part of the land was completely different from the rest that he had seen. It was beautiful. He felt as if he was back in the forest in search of the cult. The river was silent and moving calmly. The trees at the banks were bending over the water, admiring their reflections. The birds were singing to the cool breeze and the moisture laden clouds covered most parts of the sky. The weather was cloudy. In some regions the sun managed to penetrate through the thick canopy of clouds, displaying a fascinating tyndall effect. Colin was hypnotised by nature's beauty that he failed to realise that a young boy had walked up to him.

"Kevin!" The boy called out.

Colin awoke from his dream and looked around.

"Kevin!" The boy was next to him now and looking directly at him.

"Are you talking to me?" Colin asked awkwardly.

" Do you see anyone else?" The boy replied mockingly.

"My name isn't Kevin!" Colin corrected politely.

"Ya right!" The boy laughed playfully punching Colin in the arm.

Derek noticed the irritated look on Colin's face by now.

"Oh! You are serious. I'm sorry what is your name?" Derek asked laughing awkwardly.

"Colin." He replied.

"Colin. I called you to talk about something very important." Derek said in a serious tone.

"What's that?" Colin asked.

"Not here. Follow me, I know a safer spot."Derek replied slyly looking around.

After another long walk through the marshy bank of the river. Derek led Colin to a river cave.

"This is my hideout! It gets submerged in water during the monsoon eradicating every evidence of my existence. Hence, this is the safest spot in the entire land. Here is where I carry out my investigations."

It was a huge cave with a very narrow entrance allowing only one person to walk through at a time. Derek always had the entrance blocked by a boulder so that the cave wouldn't receive any unwanted attention.

Colin let out gasp of bewilderment as he entered. It was a beautiful cave. Derek kept it lit up using fire torches. He kept it as primitive as possible so that it would draw less attention. It had ancient carvings on the ceiling. The atmosphere inside was damp and humid. There were small streams flowing at the edges.

"Behold, Georgia!" Derek said with his hands up in the air announcing the name he christened for the cave.

"He sure has a flair for drama." Colin thought to himself.

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