The Journey

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"Ok now what is that?!"Lily asked a little scared.
"Keep your weapons steady my best guess is that this is one of those victims!"Colin exclaimed.
"Have you ever encountered one during your travel?"asked Edna worried as she wasn't skilled in combat.
"Yeah these things are everywhere ....aim for its eye. That'll do the trick."said Colin drawing his sword."And you's best if you stay back alright!"Colin was eyeing at Lily thinking she was just like her mother.
Lily glared at him angrily she had never been underestimated ...mainly because she lived with her mother for 16 years. The stubborn teen held her spear a weapon she was truly skilled at and stood next to him.
"Did you not just hear what I said get..."
Now the creature lurking behind the bushes had revealed itself. It looked like a man but its eyes were white his hands were covered with blood and his face looked so calm. All of a sudden it came running towards Lily. She had frozen in her spot shocked to see something like that. Colin stretched his arm and swiftly moved it in an upward direction abling him to cut its nose. The creature once again let out a scream of agony. Lily's consciousness kicked in and in one swift motion she raised her spear and flung it into the creature's eye splattering blood everywhere. It was now lifeless and fell to the ground.
"Wow I shouldn't have underestimated you ."said Colin taken aback.
"Yeah"Lily smirked
"Alright let's hunt for some food and resume little later."said Edna who had been watching the commotion silently.
They had decided not to cook the food as the smoke could give away their location. Lily had lost her appetite and finally took the courage to ask Colin about what she saw."Colin its eyes...they weren't just white I saw....I saw a person inside looked like a shadow ...I don't know..."
Colin put his hand on her shoulder ,"You weren't halucinating. When someone has Nectra in their system they lose control over their own minds. But they are not dead they can see and feel everything happening to them and are simply helpless unable to control their actions. The shadow like appearance you saw in his eye was his soul - trapped. Banging the inner walls of his cornea trying to escape . Such people are prisoners of their own body puppeted by Nectra."
Edna and Lily gained so much knowledge about Nectra in one day that they kept staring at Colin as if he had narrated the greatest story of all time.
"Yeah umm..let's continue we shall rest later ."said Colin now feeling a little awkward with so much attention.
"Ya alright!" the other two said together picking up their bags.
At a visible distance stood a hooded figure, behind a tree . It had been watching the three and spoke to itself in a evil sing-song tone,"I found you!"

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