Chapter 6 ~

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Chapter 6 ~

Taylor's pov

"Thank you!" Amber says after we finish the last song of the night. We say our gratitude and then gave the stage over to the boys.

I just wave real quickly, then walk off the stage. I'm still not used to the whole preforming thing and being in front of so many people at once.

I take the bass off of my shoulders and walk over to one of the stage people.As I hand it over to the nice person, I hear clapping from behind me. I swiftly turn around and see Calum, Michael, Ashton, and Luke. All standing there with a smug look on their faces. Except Luke.

"Hello, Taylor," Michael says walking over to me and putting his arm around me. "Ew! You stink!"

I just laugh, "I know, thank you."

I know exactly why they're over here. It's obvious that he has spilled the beans, and now they've come to tease me about it.

He removes his arm from around me, as my friends walk up.

"Well, y'all are up," I say, following my friends to our dressing room.

I feel a large hand grasp around my small wrist. I turn and see Luke smiling.

"Can I help you?" I question, looking up at him. His tall form was so much more intimidating than my small, and petite one.

I know exactly what he wants.

"What are the plans for tonight?" He asks. He sounds... nervous?

"I'll tell you after the concert. Y'all are about to start preforming," I notice.


"No buts! Now go! I'll tell you after the concert!" I say, shoving him out on the stage. "Good luck!"

"Thanks! You too!" He says. "No, I mean -"

"Go!" I laugh.

"Oh right, right!"

I laugh even harder as he stumbles on stage, as he goes to pick up his guitar.

"Now, off to the showers," I mumble to myself.


"So, where are we going?" Luke questions, while shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Well, I thought that we could get some ice cream," I say, looking up at him.

He laughs, and looks right back at me. "You really like ice cream, don't you?"

"Obviously!" I laugh. "Like, you have ice cream at birthday parties, when you get your tonsils taken out, and- Oh, this is one of the worst reasons for getting ice cream. Breakups!"

"Well, I've never seen or met somebody who loves ice cream this much before," he smiles. "And what about after?"

"After?" I question. "You mean, like after breakups? Or are you talking about after we get the ice cream?"

"After we get the ice cream."

"After... we can just hangout. Do whatever."

He nods at my response.

"Oh, and one more thing, I asked Alia if she could come with us," I say, hoping that he won't be upset with me.

He looks up from the ground, with a look of shock on his face.

"You're not mad are you?" I ask. "Because I thought that this would be awkward. Since I have a boy-"

"No, no. I'm not mad at all!" He sighs in a relieved tone. "I invited Calum, too."

I laugh. I'm actually shocked that he isn't upset with me for inviting Alia. Which, I'm so glad that he invited Calum, because it definitely would've been awkward if Alia was there and it was only the three of us. It would've been a third wheel date. Not that this is a date, but you know what I mean.

When we get to the ice cream parlor, Luke gets cookies and cream and so do I. That's my favorite ice cream. Ever.

Calum gets mint chocolate, and Alia gets cookies and cream as well. Then, we take a seat a table together. Alia sitting in front of me, Calum sitting next to her, and Luke sitting next to me on my right.

"So, do you guys like the places we've been to so far?" Calum asks me and Alia.

"Yeah, it's nice getting to go places you've never been to before," Alia answers first.

I nod, agreeing with her statement. "Yeah, a whole lot better than being cooped up at home watching TV all day."

"Cool, so what are the places that you want to go to before the tour is over?" Luke asks.

"The tour just started!" I laugh.

"I know, but I'm just wondering," Luke interrogates.

"London," I say.

"What part of London?" Calum questions.

"No place specific, I just want to go there." I shrug.

"Well, what about you, Alia?" Calum asks, giving his attention to her.

"Oh, well that's where I'd like to go too," she says.


"I wasn't finished," Alia says all sassy like, cutting Calum off.

His face turns to a look of embarrassment. I hear luke snicker, and then I do as well. Because that was just hilarious for us.

"Oh, well, I'm sorry," Calum says, giving the sass right back to her.


After getting ice cream, Luke and I ditch Calum and Alia. Mainly because they got into a conversation about something. I don't even know what they were talking about.

"Now what?" Luke asks.

I shrug, not really sure on what to do next.

"You tell me," I say.

"Um, okay," he says as we walk over to a table in front of a small little shoppe. "This is a bit cheesy, but how about 20 questions?"

"Yeah, sure," I agree. "You go first."

"Okay, what's your full name?" He asks.

"Taylor Marie Brookes," I simply say.

"That's a pretty name," he compliments.

"Thank you," I blush. "Uhm... Do you have any siblings?"

"Yep, my two older brothers Ben and Jack," he replies. "Okay what about you? Do you have any siblings?"

"Yeah, I have a little sister named, Clare, and a little brother named, Tyler," I say.

"Cool," he says.




Hope you liked this chapter! And sorry my author's note isn't bold or in italics like it usually is :/ but I'll fix that later...

This chapter is dedicated to @Disney012 for helping me with this chapter, and giving me ideas on it.

I even had my 9 year old little sister help me write part of this chapter as well, but she doesn't have a Wattpad :/ or else I'd dedicate the next chapter to her...

Anyways, I really hope that you have an awesome Christmas and enjoy this chapter!! ♥

Question of the Day :

'How many times did I say the words 'ice' and 'cream' ?' (Not counting this)

1st person to get it, gets a dedication on the next chapter!

Good luck!!!


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