Chapter 15 ~

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Chapter 15 ~

Taylor's pov

It was almost a week after Thomas called me, when things were starting to come together, and make more sense. And also when more drama began to happen. I hated being pulled into drama, and I hated pulling people into drama. Especially when it's my drama, because that's when I'm just an awful person.

"Taylor," Amber said, as her and Alia followed me onto the bus.

We're back on the road again, heading to Manchester. We just needed to get our things on the bus before we left.

"Yes?" I questioned turning around.

"Have you been talking to you know who?"

I had a pretty good idea of who she was speaking of, but I didn't want to say anything.

"Who?" I asked. I wasn't going to show any signs that I was talking to him. Well, had talked to him.

"Don't pretend like you don't know what she's talking about," Alia said. So she knows about it too.

"What if I am, what if I'm not,"  I shrugged, holding back a smile. Every time I tried to lie to someone, I always ended up smiling. Sometimes, I don't even smile. Sometimes, I get away with lying. But this wasn't one of those times.

"Taylor Marie Brookes, don't even try to hide your smile. We know you all too well for you to try to lie," Amber said.

"Okay, what if I am lying? What if I did talk to Thomas? That's right, I said his name. You don't have to try to talk in 'code', I'm over him. What he did, no longer matters to me." I was telling the truth. I didn't want them to talk 'code' anymore. I was over him, and what he did. "You guys don't have to worry about me breaking down or any of that. We talked for a good bit, then I hung up on him."

"You sure that was all that happened?" Alia asked. "Because Mandy said that her and Ashton saw you getting off of the elevator crying."

"Yeah, I cried. But it was because I was pissed off at Thomas, and it just wasn't my day."

"Okay," Amber sighed. "I believe you."

"I believe you too," Alia said.

"But are you sure that you don't need us to kick his ass or cuss him out?" Amber questioned, and Alia nodded. Both looked as if they were hoping I would say yes so they could.

I laughed, "I don't think that'll be necessary. But if he calls back, you guys can."


"Yeah, yeah," I laughed.


"Hey, Luke," I said, walking slowly up to him, just before he walked through one of the corridors of the arena with everyone else. I stuck my hands in the back pockets of my jeans, slightly leaning back on the heals of my feet.

I hadn't talked to him in almost two weeks. Which was a strange thing for us, because almost everyday we were making fun of each other. Now if I saw him, I would just walk passed him and awkwardly wave. Not saying a single word to him.

"Yeah?" He asked, walking up to me. He began to bite on his lip piercing, making it very hard for me to concentrate.

"I-" I looked up at him playing with the piercing, not being able to physically talk anymore.

"Yeah?" He asked again.

I tore my eyes away from his lips, and tried to make another attempt at talking to him.

"Sorry," I said quietly. "So, um, anyways... I talked to Thomas the other day-"

"Wait, who's Thomas again? An old friend, right?" He questioned, interrupting me.

"Uh, actually, in a way no and... yes?" I said. "Thomas is the guy who dumped me like almost two or three weeks after the tour started?"

I was hoping that this would ring a bell. Which it shouldn't be that hard to remember. Because, just about every problem that has occurred during this tour, was pretty much one of my silly little problems. And I'm pretty sure, that everyone was getting tired of them.

"Oh, right," he nodded, looking passed me, but then averted his attention back on me. "So, what happened? Did you two get back together?"

He sounded kind of mad and upset, probably because I'm telling him this. He's never liked Thomas, and he has every right to be mad at me for bringing him up.

My eyes went wide when he asked that. "No, we didn't."

"Okay then?" He began looking like he was fed up with me talking to him.

"Yeah, you know what? I'm just gonna go," I said, gesturing to the corridors that we both were originally about to walk through. "You don't seem like you want be bothered with right now, so I'm just gonna let you be."

"I'm not upset, Taylor, if that's what you are thinking. I'm just shocked that you're talking about him, or even talked to him."

"Yeah, everyone seems shocked about that," I laughed.

"Well, considering what happened between you two, it's not surprising that everyone is shocked," he smirked.


"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, are you?"

"Yeah, I was just making sure," he said.

"Okay," I nodded.



As I began looking through my notifications on all of the social media sites I was associated with, I noticed that there wasn't really that much going on. Usually, there were tons of mentions, but right now there wasn't much. That should be a good thing. Right?

At least that's what I thought. Like I had told Thomas the other day, we weren't supposed to look at things that were associated with us and had gossip with it. Pretty much anything that could lower our self-esteem, and upset us. And relationships especially, aren't a good thing to have while being on tour and being famous (sorda) and also having paparazzi around you everywhere you went.

But I wasn't looking at any gossip or anything that could make me want to go home and cry to my mom, whom I haven't seen since the tour started. I wasn't looking at my mentions in Twitter, when I noticed that there was picture of Mandy and Ashton.


I had no clue how to end this chapter. Sorry if it's short, i'm trying to make each chapter as long as I can possibly can.

I hope that you guys like this update, pretty much this was a filler chapter just like the last two chapters were?

May be a while before I update again? Not really sure?

And since I left you guys with a cliffhanger, kinda sorda, I should get tons of comments and votes. It only makes me update faster.

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