Part 19 - a strange phone call

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Time to shake things up a little. I've decided the majority of the story will be in Sawamura's Pov like the majority of the story but here and there I'll put a Miyuki's Pov or... someone you don't expect or know hehe.

Miyuki Pov

The soft sound of snores from my partner is what I hear first before I notice a louder sound that was probably the cause of me waking up, the loud ringing of a phone call. I groan slightly as I move my head slightly, hearing the low thrum of music in my left ear. I pull the little bud out of my ear as I look around the bus not moving from my position, I don't want to wake up Eijun... did I just refer to him by his first name in my head?! Calm Miyuki... I continue looking around the bus at the team, Kuramochi is laughing his signature laugh and is probably pestering Ryosuke. Poor guy, don't know why he puts up with him.

Who owns that phone that is ringing!? It's starting to drive me insane... I hear the sound of a beep as the phone is answered and I snap my head towards the coaches seat. Why did he take so long to answer? Like seriously... he normally answers at lightning speed, it's actually really scary how fast he answers the phone. I hear the coach speak a simple hello. He doesn't know the caller that explains it a little, I watch him on the phone seeing his posture and how he answers. Gifts of an observer, "isn't it too early? The next school year doesn't start for another four months," hm... must be a transfer student.

I see him tense slightly as he shifts slightly like he is hoping no one is listening. He starts to speak... Korean? I'm surprised he is speaking it on the bus. Probably so no one understands what he is saying. Jokes on him, I know Korean from... that doesn't matter, and he knows that. He should have checked if I was asleep before deciding to speak Korean. "How are we supposed to look after someone with that status? We don't have security or anything... why our school?" Oh, high class citizen or they have connections to people in the crime world, interesting. "They play baseball!? How can we house them? How would we even make sure no one on the team finds out," I try and stop myself laughing but I end up laughing and I feel Sawamura move slightly groaning.

The coach looks back at us in shock, "so who is the transfer?" I ask in Korean smirking slightly as the coach gives me an impassive look before he continues his call in a more hushed tone so I don't hear. The coach knows about me knowing Korean and Japanese so I'm surprised he spoke without checking if I was asleep. Sawamura opens his eyes and looks at me, "what's going on?" He says with his voice still full of sleep, "shh, just go back to sleep," I say softly as he looks me in the eyes confused. I smile softly before touching his nose slightly, "sleep," I say softly and he closes his eyes. I hear his breathing slow down to the steady tempo of sleep.

I hear the coach, flipping the phone closed as he looks at me through the seats with a look that would scare the majority of the team or school. I give him a simple look that shows that I'm not intimidated, he turns back around and curses in Korean. I laugh quietly at it, he seems to struggle to change between the two languages now and again. "What was the coach talking about on the phone?" I hear Yuki say right behind my seat and I jump slightly, "fuck Yuki! Are you trying to give me a heart attack!" I whisper shout as to not wake the Sawamura again.

"Sorry... but what was he talking about? You seemed to understand what he was saying. Was he speaking Korean?" I gulp slightly pushing my glasses up my nose from them falling slightly when I was sleeping. "We might be getting a transfer student before the new school year it seems... and he was speaking Korean, so was I," as I say that last bit he looks a little confused before he probably looks to Isashiki that was likely listening to what I said as well. "You speak Korean?" I hear Kuramochi say and I instantly start to shake slightly.

"I only know the basics but I know enough to understand and speak a few sentences," the coach looks down the aisle of the bus before sitting back in his seat and speaking, "you're being a little modest about how much you know Miyuki and the conversation I had is not any of your concern. Go back to sleeping or talking," everyone goes back to their conversations and small whispers about how I know Korean spreads through the bus as I sigh quietly and put the bud of my earphones back into my left ear as I look out the window seeing the city isn't there anymore and instead it's fields, forests and some small mountains further away.

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