Part 13- sleep? Havent heard of that...

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Sawamura Pov

Dinner went by quickly after Kuramochi and Kominato's conversation. I still laugh a little thinking of it. "What are you giggling about?" Miyuki asks and I playfully hit his arm. "I don't giggle and I was laughing at Kuramochi and Kominato's conversation, it keeps making me laugh," I laugh a little as I think about holding Miyuki's hand, he grabs my hand seeing me thinking about it. He smiles at me and I lean closer to him, "how did the team drawings go?" I ask looking in his eyes, why do they look like melted caramel? Everyone says mine looks like amber that's burning and find them beautiful... but I don't think they've seen Miyuki's eyes before because they're far more beautiful.

"The team drawings was boring honestly... will you be able to play? I know you've been doing alright without a batter but we haven't tried with one in a while. Want to give it a shot?" He asks and I pale slightly, I look up at him and I see the concern in his eyes as I shake my head. "Not tonight... I just want to spend time with you and... those two," I point at Kuramochi and Kominato who are walking a bit ahead of us and are about to enter our dorm room. "You planning on play video games with Kuramochi again?" He asks with a slight smirk, I raise an eyebrow at him. "What are you planning?" I ask as he shakes his head trying to seem innocent while a small smirk tugs on his lips.

I roll my eyes playfully at Miyuki while laughing. "If you try and pull something on me when playing I might not end up that happy," I say, he clicks his tongue in amusement as we walk into my dorm room. I sit next to my bed leaning my head on the mattress for a second, "Care to play a game?" Kuramochi says leaning over where the light would be making it dark, "sure. I assumed you were planning to play a game or two. I stand up moving over to where I normally sit and I sit down cross legged, Miyuki walks up behind me and sits down with his knee touching my side.

I look back at him with a raised eyebrow, he gives me an innocent look before I turn back to face the TV picking up the controller and seeing Kuramochi doing the same, he turns on the TV with the remote and he clicks on the disc icon for us to play whatever is in the console... dead or alive 5? He never made us play this before. I look over at him seeing a mischievous smile, this isn't going to end well...

"We should play on the training mode first so you get the hang of it," I roll my eyes looking at him with a serious expression. "I've played it before, no need to put it on training just so neither of us dies," he looks at me surprised and Miyuki whispers in my left ear, "I would never have expected you to play this... unless you're bisexual?" I turn my head looking him in the eyes, "I've never had romantic attractions to girls ever, I've only liked boys" I look back at the screen as he whispers again, "Is that so? Am I your first boyfriend?" I nod as an answer, "good," he says in a way that makes a chill run down my spine.

I turn back to the screen completely ignoring Miyuki. We go to chose our characters and I chose Ayane... she's a badass okay. Kuramochi looks at me a little shocked, "you're playing as a female character?" I nod my head, "they are faster and have more moves then the majority of the male characters," I smirk as he chooses none other than Kasumi. I laugh as I point at him, "you think the same don't you?!" He rolls his eyes before we both pick the least revealing outfits for our characters, you can tell this game was probably made by straight men.

We start off the match and I am instantly in a defensive position stopping Kuramochi from harming us, I come out of my defensive position doing a type of flip kick thing and then doing that a few times before his character stands up and we make our players back up. I inch a bit closer and I punch and kick his character a few times before she is down and kicks my characters feet from under her, I do the same before doing a spinning rotation of kicks putting him on the brink of defeat, I punch and kick his character into the wall as the K.O pops up on the screen.

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